R:charToDate(x) 中的错误:字符串不是标准的明确格式

标签 r


structure(list(DOB = structure(c(18155, 18164, 
18785, 18328, 18314, 18307, 18324), class = "Date"), date_today_ppt_SEEQ = structure(c(18155, 
18164, 18785, 18328, 18314, 18307, 18324), class = "Date"), switching_home = c("Sometimes", 
"Most of the time", "Sometimes", "Sometimes", "Rarely", "Sometimes", 
"Rarely"), single_lang_environm_home = c(80, 0, 100, 75, 95, 
70, 30), dual_lang_environm_home = c(20, 60, 0, 23, 0, 20, 70
), dense_code_sw_home = c(0, 40, 0, 2, 5, 10, 0), between_sentence_sw_home = c("Sometimes", 
"Most of the time", "Sometimes", "Sometimes", "Never", "Sometimes", 
"Rarely"), within_sentence_sw_home = c("Sometimes", "Most of the time", 
"Most of the time", "Rarely", "Rarely", "Rarely", "Sometimes"
)), row.names = c(NA, 7L), class = "data.frame")


exampledata[exampledata == "Always"] <- 100 
exampledata[exampledata == "Frequently"] <- 75
exampledata[exampledata == "Most of the time"] <- 75 
exampledata[exampledata == "Sometimes"] <- 50 
exampledata[exampledata == "Rarely"] <- 25 
exampledata[exampledata == "Never"] <- 0 


Error in charToDate(x) : 
  character string is not in a standard unambiguous format

我怀疑这与我的数据集中有日期格式(来自 xlsx 文件)有关,所以我做了一些事情,因为我读到它可能是区域设置或格式的问题日期。

exampledata$DOB <- openxlsx::convertToDate(exampledata$DOB)
exampledata$DOB <- as.Date(exampledata$DOB, format = "%d/%m/%y")#recorde as DD/MM/YYYY 
exampledata$DOB <- lubridate::ymd(exampledata$DOB, locale = "English")


exampledata <- mutate(exampledata, DOB = as.Date(DOB, "%d/%m/%y"))


> class(exampledata$DOB)
[1] "Date" 

它清楚地显示为日期。但是,当我在窗口中打开数据框以进行可视化探索并将光标指向变量时,“第 1 列:未知”出现在我的光标下,这让我认为它没有转换为预期的(?)日期格式.

我通读了人们的类似问题,但不确定为什么当我运行 class 时它显示为日期并且仍然产生问题。另外,我应该只处理字符变量中的值,所以不确定为什么它会产生问题。另外,人们似乎在谈论它,但我没有找到这些标准的明确日期值实际上是什么?

最后,当我使用 dput 创建可重现的示例时,我可以看到我的日期已转换为数字,但是当我打印该列时,它会打印日期,所以我真的很困惑:

[1] "2019-09-16" "2019-09-25" "2021-06-07" "2020-03-07" "2020-02-22" "2020-02-15" "2020-03-03"



> R.version.string
[1] "R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)"


这是一个带有 mutate across 的 dplyr 方法:


df %>% 
  mutate(across(c(switching_home, between_sentence_sw_home, within_sentence_sw_home), ~case_when(. == "Always" ~ 100 ,
                                . == "Frequently" ~ 75, 
                                . == "Most of the time" ~ 75,
                                . == "Sometimes" ~ 50,
                                . == "Rarely" ~ 25,
                                . == "Never" ~ 0,
                                TRUE ~ NA_real_))
         DOB date_today_ppt_SEEQ switching_home single_lang_environm_home dual_lang_environm_home dense_code_sw_home between_sentence_sw_home
1 2019-09-16          2019-09-16             50                        80                      20                  0                       50
2 2019-09-25          2019-09-25             75                         0                      60                 40                       75
3 2021-06-07          2021-06-07             50                       100                       0                  0                       50
4 2020-03-07          2020-03-07             50                        75                      23                  2                       50
5 2020-02-22          2020-02-22             25                        95                       0                  5                        0
6 2020-02-15          2020-02-15             50                        70                      20                 10                       50
7 2020-03-03          2020-03-03             25                        30                      70                  0                       25
1                      50
2                      75
3                      75
4                      25
5                      25
6                      25
7                      50

关于R:charToDate(x) 中的错误:字符串不是标准的明确格式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73804841/


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