payment - 如果超出 DeepL API 免费计划中的 500,000 个字符会怎样?

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据我所知,通过 DeepL API Free 计划,用户每月可以请求免费翻译 500,000 个字符。使用API​​ Pro计划,可以翻译无限数量的字符;这需要支付每月的订阅费以及超过 500,000 个免费字符的每个字符的一定金额。

我不太清楚如果使用 DeepL API 免费计划,翻译查询的总和超过免费的情况会发生什么。

根据DeepL help center:

For DeepL API Free:

With our limited API plan, you can translate up to 500,000 characters per month for free. > To translate more, you can upgrade to DeepL API Pro at any time.

For DeepL API Pro:

In addition to the monthly base price of €4.99, the DeepL API Pro subscription plan is billed according to the number of characters sent to DeepL's servers in API requests, charged at the exact amount of characters translated during the billing period. We charge €0.00002 per translated character.

请注意,它没有明确说明如果超出 API 免费计划中的免费数量会发生什么。

API documentation 中,有一个似乎与该情况相关的特定错误代码:

HTTP 456: quota exceeded. The translation limit of your account has been reached. Consider upgrading your subscription.

我还在条款和条件中发现了这段关于具有每月最大使用上限的产品的条款和条件,我认为 API 免费计划属于以下范围:

10.7 For Products with a maximum monthly usage cap, DeepL will only allow the contracted number of characters (as described in the Service Specification) to be translated within a billing period. Once the monthly usage limit is reached, Customer will no longer be able to use the Products, unless a Product with a higher number of characters has been purchased (if available).

鉴于这些信息,我认为任何会导致突破 500,000 个字符限制的查询都会失败并返回错误代码 456

任何具有 DeepL API 经验的人都可以确认或否认这一点,或者向我指出可以进一步澄清这一点的文档吗?

我如此迂腐的主要原因是,即使对于 API 免费计划,客户也必须提供信用卡号。不可预见的扣除可能会产生严重后果。


如果您翻译了 500000 个或更多字符,则在当前期间结束之前,您每次后续翻译都会收到错误代码 456。下期您将再次免费获得500000个字符。有时您会设法翻译更多字符,直到锁定生效,但 DeepL 无论如何都不会向您收取额外字符的费用。

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