tcl - 如何在不使用 TclOO 的情况下插入读取 channel 转换?

标签 tcl channel

我的问题涉及在读取期间插入 channel 转换。我编写此 Web 套接字(某种 Web 套接字)的目的是使用浏览器作为用户界面,使用 Tcl 作为桌面应用程序的本地服务器。因此,它不需要处理“真实”服务器会处理的所有事情。我需要修改它来处理在连续帧序列中间接收 ping;但这不是我的问题。

该代码的工作原理是解码 XOR 帧。我已经使用它有一段时间了,因为我一直在处理项目的其余部分,现在我正在清理它,我想知道实际 XOR 解码的执行方式。我通过协程一次读取 4096 个字节,然后解码并将它们附加到另一个变量中。解码不能在读取本身中使用 channel 转换完成吗?

您可以忽略 proc::WEBS::XOR_Read 中的大部分代码,与此问题直接相关的部分在注释中标记为 START OF THE QUESTION。我将其全部包含在内,因为运行该示例需要它。在底部,文本消息使用给定的掩码 key 进行编码,写入管道的写入端,并在读取端进行解码。

我的问题是,如何在标记的解码部分下获取注释代码,在读取帧的有效负载部分之前插入转换,以便在读取 channel 时对其进行解码,并在读取 channel 时弹出它阅读已完成?就性能而言值得吗?

在应用程序中,命名空间/命令ChanTransform中的读取过程运行大约三个字节,错误地解码它们,然后卡住;但在使用管道的示例代码中,它似乎根本没有运行。它也结冰了;但 after 语句会导致脚本在两秒内终止。我可能不应该写 freeze;因为它必须等待更多字节来读取。我是否需要使用 drain 或设置 limit? 来返回 -1 以外的内容?

我能找到的所有示例,包括 Ashok Nadkarni 关于 Tcl 的文本,都使用 TclOO(我不太遵循);我只想使用命令和子命令。但是,我不明白我是否应该调用这些子命令,或者只是将 cmdPrefix 推送到 channel 上。而且,我不确定 ChanTransform read 如何与协程中的 read $sock ... 连接。


namespace eval ::WEBS {}

namespace eval ChanTransform {
  proc initialize {handle mode} {
     return [list initialize drain limit? {*}$mode finalize]
  proc drain {handle} {}
  proc limit? {handle} {
     return -1
  proc read {handle bytes} { 
     variable mKey $::WEBS::mKey
     variable dataType $::WEBS::dataType
     namespace upvar ::WEBS offset offset
     if { [binary scan bytes cu enc] != 1} {
       # Can errors be thrown here.
       chan puts stdout {Error in read channel transformation.}
     set raw_decoded "[expr {$enc ^ [lindex $mKey [expr {[incr offset] % 4}]]}] "
     return [binary format $dataType $raw_decoded]
  proc finalize {handle} {
  namespace export initialize drain limit? read finalize
  namespace ensemble create

proc ::WEBS::coread {sock id reqBytes} {
  set ::WEBS::encoded($id) {}
  set remBytes $reqBytes
  while {![chan eof $sock]} {
    append ::WEBS::encoded($id) [set data [read $sock $remBytes]]
    set remBytes [expr {$remBytes - [string length $data]}]
    if {$remBytes == 0} {
      return $reqBytes
  throw {COREAD EOF} "Unexpected EOF"

proc ::WEBS::XOR_Read {sock} {
  while {1} {
    set frame1 1
    set fin 0
    #set id [::WEBS::ReadId::getId]
    set id 1
    # Need the next line t track open ids in order to delete them
    # if left open following the sudden closing of a web socket.
#     dict set ::WEBS::socks $sock readIds\
#        [lappend [dict get $::WEBS::socks $sock readIds] $id]
    chan puts stdout "XOR read id: $id"
    while {$fin == 0} {
      if { [coread $sock $id 2] != 2
        || [binary scan $::WEBS::encoded($id) B16 bits] != 1
        || [scan $bits %1b%1b%1b%1b%4b%1b%7b fin rsv1 rsv2 rsv3 op m pl] != 7 } {
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: failed to read or malformed read\
            of first 16 bits. Closing socket.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { $rsv1 != 0 || $rsv2 != 0 || $rsv3 != 0 } {
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: XOR frame from client includes\
            unexpected extensions. Closing socket.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { $op == 8 } {
        # NOTE that testing only for op codes indicating not to
        # read payload. Client closing socket.
        chan puts stdout {Warning in XOR_Read: client closing socket\
            op code 8. Closing socket.}
        # WARNING Must stop the coroutine also; likely should
        # add this to WEBS_CloseSock
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 0
      } elseif { ($op > 2 && $op < 8) || $op > 10 } {
        # Client sent currently undefined codes.
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: client sent undefined op codes.\
             Closing socket.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { ($op == 9 || $op == 10) && $fin != 1 } {
        # If a PING or PONG and $fin indicates a continuation frame
        # is an error because max payload size if 127.
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: client sent invalid payload\
            for PING or PONG. Closing socket.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { !$frame1 && $op != 0  } {
        # All continuation frames must have an op code of 0.
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: client sent invalid op code\
            for continuation frame. Closing socket.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { $m != 1 } {
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: XOR frame from client is\
            unmasked. Closing socket.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { $pl == 0 || $pl > 127 } {
        # Evaluate initial payload length 7 bits.
        # If $pl not 0, 126, 127 then it is already correct.
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: payload length is invalid.\
             Closing socket.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { $pl == 126
              && ([coread $sock $id 2] != 2
              || [binary scan $::WEBS::encoded($id) Su pl] != 1) } {
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: wrong size returned\
            by binary scan Su.}
        WEBS_CloseSock $sock 1
      } elseif { $pl == 127
             && ([coread $sock $id 8] != 8
             || [binary scan $::WEBS::encoded($id) Wu pl] != 1) } {
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: wrong size returned\
            by binary scan Wu.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1

      # NOTE This spans all frames in a multi-frame message.
      # Also, continuation frames are indentified by
      if { $frame1 } {
        if { $op == 2 } {
          set dataType B*
        } else {
          set dataType cu*
        set frame1 0
      if { [coread $sock $id 4] != 4
        || [binary scan $::WEBS::encoded($id) cu4 mKey] != 1 } {
        chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: failed to read the mask key.}
        ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
      # NOTE In coread, ::WEBS::encoded($id) is set to {} at each
      # invocation. Thus, here, just reading all the data written
      # there; and doing so in 4096 bytes at a time. It appears to
      # work quickly; but have not read any messages over 1-2 MB.

      # The code below at least decodes the message, though it
      # could be better. I'd like to know if the channel trans-
      # formation can be used and how to get it started. It's
      # the commented block immediately below.

      set offset -1
      while { [expr {$offset+1}] < $pl } {
        # This may be a stupid validation.
        set reqBytes [expr {min($pl-$offset-1,4096)}]
        if { [coread $sock $id $reqBytes] != $reqBytes } {
          chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: failed reading payload.}
          ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
        if { [binary scan $::WEBS::encoded($id) cu* enc] != 1} {
          chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read: wrong size returned\
              by binary scan cu. Closing socket.}
          ::WEBS::CloseSock $sock 1
        set raw_decoded {}
        foreach b $enc {
          # NOTE The space at the end is required or the subsequent
          # [binary format] appended to webSocket_decoded will fail.
          append raw_decoded \
             "[expr {$b ^ [lindex $mKey [expr {[incr offset] % 4}]]}] "
        append ::WEBS::decoded($id) [binary format $dataType $raw_decoded]

#       set ::WEBS::mKey $mKey
#       set ::WEBS::offset -1
#       set ::WEBS::dataType $dataType
#       set TransHandle${sock} [chan push $sock ChanTransform ]
#       #ChanTransform initialize TransHandle${sock} {read}
#       chan puts stdout "read [coread $sock $id $pl] bytes"
#       chan pop $sock

    # Now, do something with the current message.
    # Note that op code 8 is handled in XOR_head.
    switch -- $op {
       9 {
           # Ping.
           chan puts stdout "Got pinged!"
           chan puts stdout "Message was: $::WEBS::decoded($id)"
           ::WEBS::Pong $sock $id
      10 {
           # Pong.
           chan puts stdout "Got ponged!"
           chan puts stdout "Message was: $::WEBS::decoded($id)"
       0 -
       1 -
       2 {

         # Final frame was received and processed.
         # So, do something with the payload data.
         chan puts stdout "XOR_read => Decoded message: $::WEBS::decoded($id)"
         chan puts stdout "Would've processed the message."

       default {
           # WARNING Need an error message like a Tk window event.
           # Once get the try/catch/trap/finally code together.
           chan puts stdout {Error in XOR_Read data but bad
               op code to handle message.}
    # Reset the socket for next message. Any continuation frames
    # should have been read above, appended, and decoded before
    # reach this point in the code. Pretty sure tested this some-
    # where in the Channel Experiments folder.
    # Could unset this array index but it likely will be used
    # many times since there will be few and they are recycled.
    # Thus, set it to empty and delete the id.
    set ::WEBS::decoded($id) {}
#     ::WEBS::ReadId::delId $id $sock

# ______________________________________________________

lassign [chan pipe] rchan wchan
chan configure $rchan -buffering full -blocking 0 -translation binary
chan configure $wchan -buffering full -blocking 0 -translation binary
#chan event $rchan readable [list XOR_read $rchan]

coroutine ::WEBS::coro${rchan} ::WEBS::XOR_Read $rchan
chan event $rchan readable ::WEBS::coro${rchan}

# ______________________________________________________

set response "This is a test text message."
set mKey {171 4 98 23}
binary scan $response cu* cu_resp
puts "cu_resp: $cu_resp"
puts "length cu_resp: [llength $cu_resp]"
set offset -1
foreach b $cu_resp {
  # Note that the space at the end is required or the subsequent
  # [binary format] appended to webSocket_decoded will fail.
  append temp "[expr {$b ^ [lindex $mKey [expr {[incr offset] % 4}]]}] "
set encoded [binary format cu* $temp]
puts "temp: $temp"
set len [string length $encoded]
# XOR encoded message
if { $len > 65535 } {
  chan puts -nonewline $wchan [binary format cu2Wucu4 {129 255} $len [list {*}$mKey]]
} elseif { $len > 125 } {
  chan puts -nonewline $wchan [binary format cu2Sucu4 {129 254} $len [list {*}$mKey]]
} elseif { $len > 0 } {
  incr len 128
  chan puts -nonewline $wchan [binary format cu6 [list 129 $len {*}$mKey]]
chan puts -nonewline $wchan $encoded
chan flush $wchan

after 2000 [list set forever 1]
set forever 0
vwait forever
close $rchan
close $wchan


Tcl 的许多部分都是围绕命令前缀的思想设计的,在调用命令前缀时会添加许多参数。脚本 channel 的各个部分就是这样的地方。在这些情况下,实现可以是任何接受参数的实现。 TclOO 是一种实现方式(并且具有足够的内部状态,“命令前缀”可以只是一个命令名称),但还有其他方式,例如集成或只是自己进行处理。但Tcl只关心他们行为是否正确。

需要关注的是,当在 channel 上完成操作时(例如,chan gets),那么该操作将被映射到对您的实现的调用,并使用所描述的参数。特别是,您被告知执行了什么操作、到什么 channel 以及操作的参数是什么。(这些可能是从触发调用的 Tcl 命令间接映射的;之间有一个缓冲和编码管理层,并且您可能还有其他转换也堆积在那里。)

[编辑]为了证明您根本不需要任何花哨的东西,这里有一个简单的 channel ,仅使用一个过程(以及一个全局范围的变量作为缓冲区):

proc channelImpl {command channelId args} {
    variable buffer
    switch $command {
        initialize {
            lassign $args mode
            if {$mode ne "write"} {
                error "only support writing"
            set buffer($channelId) ""
            # We will ignore watch for simplicity, but it must be there
            return {
                initialize finalize watch write
        finalize {
            puts ">>$buffer($channelId)<<"
            unset buffer($channelId)
        write {
            lassign $args data
            append buffer($channelId) $data
            return [string length $data]

set ch [chan create write channelImpl]
puts $ch "abc"
puts $ch "def ghi"
puts -nonewline $ch "jkl"
puts $ch "mno"
puts "after writes"
close $ch
puts "after close"


after writes
def ghi
after close

[EDIT2]:这是带有合奏和 TclOO 的版本以供比较。输出是相同的。

namespace eval channelImpl {
    proc initialize {channelId mode} {
        variable buffer
        if {$mode ne "write"} {
            error "only support writing"
        set buffer($channelId) ""
        return {
            initialize finalize watch write
    proc finalize {channelId} {
        variable buffer
        puts ">>$buffer($channelId)<<"
        unset buffer($channelId)
    proc watch {args} {
        # We will ignore watch for simplicity, but it must be there
    proc write {channelId data} {
        variable buffer
        append buffer($channelId) $data
        return [string length $data]
    namespace export *
    namespace ensemble create

set ch [chan create write channelImpl]
puts $ch "abc"
puts $ch "def ghi"
puts -nonewline $ch "jkl"
puts $ch "mno"
puts "after writes"
close $ch
puts "after close"
oo::class create Channel {
    variable buffer
    constructor {} {
        set buffer ""
    method initialize {channelId mode} {
        if {$mode ne "write"} {
            error "only support writing"
        return {
            initialize finalize watch write
    method finalize {channelId} {
        puts ">>$buffer<<"
        my destroy
    method watch args {}
    method write {channelId data} {
        append buffer $data
        return [string length $data]

set ch [chan create write [Channel new]]
puts $ch "abc"
puts $ch "def ghi"
puts -nonewline $ch "jkl"
puts $ch "mno"
puts "after writes"
close $ch
puts "after close"

关于tcl - 如何在不使用 TclOO 的情况下插入读取 channel 转换?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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