user-interface - 标签对导航有用吗(在 Stack Overflow 上或其他地方)?

标签 user-interface navigation tags usability

我对 using tags from social bookmarking sites for web search 做了一些研究,但我想了解有关用户可能使用标签进行信息检索的其他方式的更多信息。

您是否使用 Stack Overflow 等网站上的标签进行导航?您是否认为它们像过滤器(缩小大量问题的范围),或者类别(显示网站的组织方式),还是其他东西?


我使用它们来搜索我的堆栈(C#、ASP.NET、WinForms 等)。我已在 Launchy 中将它们设置为快捷方式。

我在我的 StackOverflow blog post 上发布了一些想法- 如果您愿意,请随时发表评论:

Search Support

The search functionality is improving. However, is it still limited (for example, no OR search). It also has limited filtering options. One major problem for me is that it displays searches the answers as well as questions. So, you can end up with a page of results that point to one question (which may not help you). Tag searching is also improving but still limited and even misunderstood by its creator (see the comments).

Finding Your Stack

I am a C# developer. I work on Windows and ASP.NET applications. I know nothing about Java, Python, Ruby and the many other languages out there. I can offer limited advice on architecture and design. Now, currently, it is bloody difficult for me to find questions with the appropriate tags so I can assist. I propose:

"Smart Lists" - these should be lists that each user can create that you can specify tags to search for. For example, I could create three "Windows" (which searches for items tagged "C# WinForms"), "Web" (tagged "ASP.NET") and Architecture (tagged "architecture"). Now, a web developer who works on the LAMP stack may have a "Web" tab, but entirely different tags.

I am currently getting around this by having Launchy shortcuts set up for my stacks.

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