Drupal 和 PHP 5.3

标签 drupal drupal-6

Drupal 在 PHP 5.3 上完美运行吗?




如此处所述 --> Drupal Requirements

PHP 5.3 is not yet supported by Drupal 5.x, but is supported by Drupal 6.14 core and higher (see the release notes for 6.14) and also by Drupal 7.x. Note that some contributed modules may not be compatible with PHP 5.3, and that some PHP 5.3 configurations still show warnings with Drupal 6.14; work is ongoing to resolve the latter in #360605: PHP 5.3 Compatibility.

因此理论上从 drupal 6.14+ 开始,所有核心模块都与 php 5.3 兼容,因此您的警告可能来自某些贡献的模块。我建议您将所有模块更新到最新版本,如果仍然遇到问题,请查看模块的问题队列。

另外,我建议您看一下链接:#360605: PHP 5.3 Compatibility检查您的一些问题是否相同...

关于Drupal 和 PHP 5.3,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3537540/


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