objective-c - 错误: unrecognized selector sent to class

标签 objective-c class interface

对于 Objective C(甚至对于 OOP 而言),我完全是个菜鸟。这就是我正在尝试做的事情


@implementation AInterface

 - (BOOL)getParam:(NSData **)a param1:(NSData**)param1 param2:(NSData**)param2

       //Do a bunch of things
       return bool;



@interface AInterface : NSObject

- (BOOL)getParam:(NSData **)a param1:(NSData**)param1 param2:(NSData**)param2;

+ (instancetype) inst;


int main()
    Bool result = NO;
    NSData *a = Nil;
    NSData *b = Nil;
    NSData *c = Nil;

    result = [[AInterface inst] getParam:(NSData **)&a param1:(NSData**)&a param2:(NSData**)&b];

    return result 


 caught "NSInvalidArgumentException", "+[AInterface inst]: unrecognized selector sent to class 


尽管您在 @interface 部分声明了 +inst 方法,但您的类并未实现它,这会导致运行时错误。您需要添加实现才能使其工作,例如

@implementation AInterface
+ (instancetype)inst {
   return [self new];

关于objective-c - 错误: unrecognized selector sent to class,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35278798/


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