google-cloud-platform - 是否可以禁用 Google Cloud Run 的 Stackdriver 日志记录?

标签 google-cloud-platform google-cloud-run

我在 Google Cloud Run 上建立了一个小项目,我正在查看生成的成本,Stackdriver Logging 看起来相当昂贵。是否可以禁用它?如何?我在文档中找不到它。



Logging and viewing logs

Cloud Run has two types of logs, and these are automatically sent to Cloud Logging:

Request logs: logs of requests sent to Cloud Run services. These logs are created automatically. Container logs: logs emitted from the container instances, typically from your own code, written to supported locations as described in Writing container logs.

"Request logs are created automatically. Although you cannot control the amount of request logs directly from Cloud Run, you can make use of the logs exclusion feature from Cloud Logging."

因此您无法禁用Cloud Run的日志,但可以使用 logs exculusion 控制日志量

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