javascript - Discord 机器人不读取 message.content

标签 javascript discord discord.js bots chat

我的机器人没有阅读 Discord 聊天内容。我希望它阅读聊天记录,如果它找到某些单词,它会给出一定的响应。这是我当前的消息事件代码。这是我的第一个 JavaScript 项目,我刚刚开始学习它,所以请把它拆开,以便我可以学得更快:)

目前我可以让机器人加载到不和谐中。我可以使用 .node 打开它,但无法让它使用 message.content 读取消息。

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: ["GUILD_MESSAGES", "DIRECT_MESSAGES"] }); 

var name = "Poker Bot";
var usersHand
let firstCardValue  
let secondCardValue
let firstCardSuit
let secondCardSuit 

//starts the bot and sets activity to a funny quote. it also will give a command prompt notification that the
// bot is online

client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log(`Bot is online: ${name} !`);
    client.user.setActivity('Burning The Fucking Casino Down');
    //check discord chat to see if a user has posted.
client.on("messageCreate", message => {
   //console.log is there to test user input. If it works the message in the discord channel will appear in console
    console.log(`The user has said: ${message} `);

//look for poker hand ~~~ position ~~~~ event (ex: AA CO PF )     (PF= PreFlop)

if (message.content.toLowerCase == 'AK' || message.content.toLowerCase == 'AA' || message.content.toLowerCase == 'KK'){

    message.reply("RECOMMENDED PLAY SHOVE: ALL IN")


.content 不是方法,而是属性,您现在还必须在机器人页面和代码中启用 Message Content 意图。

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: ["GUILD_MESSAGES", "DIRECT_MESSAGES"] }); 

client.on("messageCreate", message => {
    // || "String" like you did before would return "true" in every single instance, 
    // this is case sensitive, if you wanna make it case insensitive 
    // use `message.content.toLowerCase() == "lowercasestring"`
    if (message.content == "AK" || message.content = "AA" || message.content == "KK") {    "Recommend Play is to shove all in" +;


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