node.js - Mongoose Schema 设置过期字段来删除文档?

标签 node.js mongodb mongoose

我想在文档创建 3 分钟后将其删除。定义文档创建时刻的字段是 expiresAt。这是我迄今为止的设置。该文档在 3 分钟后并未按其应有的方式删除。

const mongoose = require('mongoose')

const Schema = mongoose.Schema

const PostsAmountsTimeframesSchema = new Schema({
  posts_amounts_timeframe: Number,
  expireAt: {
      type: Date,
      default: new Date()
  userid: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: 'User',
      required: true

PostsAmountsTimeframesSchema.index( { expireAt: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 180 } )

const PostsAmountsTimeframes = mongoose.model('PostsAmountsTimeframes', PostsAmountsTimeframesSchema)

module.exports = PostsAmountsTimeframes


  expireAt: {
      type: Date,
      default: new Date(),
      expires: 180,



      userid: req.session.userId,
      posts_amounts_timeframe: req.session.posts_amounts_timeframe,
      // expireAt: d
  }, (error, postsamountstimeframes) => {



  • 删除整个集合
  • 删除集合中的所有索引
  • 将代码更改为:
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
//Create empty Schema object?
const Schema = mongoose.Schema

//Models are defined through the Schema interface
//Models define collections
const PostsAmountsTimeframesSchema = new Schema({
  posts_amounts_timeframe: Number,
  expireAt: {
      type: Date,
  userid: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: 'User',
      required: true

PostsAmountsTimeframesSchema.index({ expireAt: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 });
//Access the database my_database via mongoose.model.
//The first argument: The name of the collection the model is for.
//Apply the model to the collection?
const PostsAmountsTimeframes = mongoose.model('PostsAmountsTimeframes', PostsAmountsTimeframesSchema)
//Export User variable to other files
module.exports = PostsAmountsTimeframes

使用它来创建条目。我在当前日期后 3 分钟使收集过期。

  var d = new Date()
  var r = new Date(d)

      userid: req.session.userId,
      posts_amounts_timeframe: req.session.posts_amounts_timeframe,
      expireAt: r
    }, (error, postsamountstimeframes) => {
  • 关闭 mongosh
  • 关闭 Mongo Compass
  • 重建项目
  • 重新运行项目
  • 创建一个条目,然后砰!创建后它会自动删除自己 一个条目。

应该有一种方法可以对 TTL 过期做同样的事情。目前正在研究该方法!

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