amazon-web-services - 使用 CloudFormation 创建 Secrets Manager 但保持值不可见

标签 amazon-web-services aws-cloudformation aws-secrets-manager

我有一个 CloudFormation 模板来在 Secrets Manager 中创建 Secret。我当前的模板与此类似(基于 aws 文档 ):

   "Resources": {
      "MyCredentials": {
          "Type": "AWS::SecretsManager::Secret",
          "Properties": {
             "Name": "prod/web/api",
             "Description": "",
             "SecretString": "{

我的问题是我无法使用GenerateSecretString属性,因为密码是从外部组织定义的,所以我无法自己更改或创建该值,这样可以从CloudFormation中的模板查看 secret 值.

是否可以实现此目的,或者我需要手动创建 secret ?


您可以使用AWS SSM Parameter ,外部组织已授予在那里添加/更新密码的权限,或者团队中的某人执行相同的操作。

密码存在后,您可以通过dynamic references读取您的cloudformation模板。就像下面这样,

The following example uses an ssm-secure dynamic reference to set the password for an IAM user to a secure string stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store. As specified, CloudFormation will use version 10 of the IAMUserPassword parameter for stack and change set operations.

    "MyIAMUser": {
        "Type": "AWS::IAM::User",
        "Properties": {
        "UserName": "MyUserName",
        "LoginProfile": {
            "Password": "{{resolve:ssm-secure:IAMUserPassword:10}}"

或者static reference如下所示:

here Accessing the AvailabilityZone param stored in SSM.

        "AvailabilityZone": {
        "Description": "Amazon EC2 instance Availablity Zone",
        "Type": "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>",
        "Default": "AvailabilityZone"

更多示例参见Using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store Secure String parameters in AWS CloudFormation templates

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