amazon-web-services - 您可以将 "Fn::FindInMap"嵌套在 "Fn::Sub"中吗?

标签 amazon-web-services aws-cloudformation


{"Fn::Join": [":", [
    { "Ref": "AWS::Region"},
    { "Ref": "AWS::AccountId"},
    {"Fn::FindInMap" : [ "config", "mytopic", { "Ref" : "deployment" } ] }

但我更喜欢像这样使用 SUB 但它不是有效的 JSON:

{"Fn::Sub" : "arn:aws:sns:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:${"Fn::FindInMap" : [ "config", "mytopic", { "Ref" : "deployment" } ] }"}


您无法直接从 Fn::Sub 模板调用 Fn::FindInMapOnly a limited number of expressions work OOTB.

相反,您可以将其他变量传递给 Fn::Sub。例如:

      DefinitionString: !Sub 
        - |-
             "Comment":"Extract metadata and anonymize the videoclip",
        - EmptyVideoverarbeitungClusterAlarmFunction_Arn: !ImportValue 
            'Fn::Sub': 'stk-${EnvType}-${EnvId}-videoverarbeitung-cluster-EmptyVideoverarbeitungClusterAlarmFunction-Arn'

在这里,我计算一些值并将其作为 EmptyVideoverarbeitungClusterAlarmFunction_Arn 变量传递给 Sub

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