azure - 与旧库相比,新库的 Cosmos DB 速度非常慢

标签 azure azure-functions azure-cosmosdb

我正在将我的应用程序 azure 功能从 V3 升级到 V4。在此过程中,我还从旧版/不再支持的 Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB (V 2.18.0) 升级到最新的 Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos(根据建议为 3.32)。问题是,执行此操作现在需要花费近 3时间是发出基本获取请求的时间的两倍,我们看到每个请求都是查询与读取。 下面是我们调用提供的 ReadItemAsync(id,partition,options,token) 的示例。返回的有效负载约为 589 字节。对此的诊断结果是,返回需要 0.400 - 900ms 毫秒! 这不能忍受。 我不知道如何解决这个问题。如果 MS 每次获取需要 500 - 1000 毫秒.. 而我只想运行 26 个项目.. 这将花费近 25 秒的时间。怎么会这样呢?这太糟糕了。当我运行我的方法时,我执行一次获取、一次保存和一次更新插入。在旧库上,完成一次迭代大约需要 300 毫秒,在 3.31.2 上则需要 > 1500 毫秒。 我不知道在哪里或如何解决在 azure 农场花费 460 毫秒的请求。 原始数据调用如下所示:

   response = await _database.GetContainer(containerId)
                    .ReadItemAsync<T>(id, partitionKey, null, cancellationToken);
                LastQueryUsage = response.RequestCharge;
                return response;

Diagnostics Dump from the above Read request:     
"Summary": {
    "DirectCalls": {
        "(200, 0)": 1
    "GatewayCalls": {
        "(200, 0)": 3,
        "(304, 0)": 1
"name": "ReadItemAsync",
"id": "0add6a37-9928-4145-aed1-b29e910e22f3",
"start time": "12:55:11:446",
"duration in milliseconds": 928.666,
//reduced for brevity in light of initial answer.



我的测试集合仍然表现不佳。很坏。 我启动了一个全新的 Azure V4 Dotnet6 独立项目。

public class CosmosSingleTonConnection
    private static TestSettings _settings = new TestSettings();

    private static readonly List<(string, string)> containers = new()
        ("myDb", "col1"),
        ("myDb", "col2")

    private static CosmosClient cosmosClient;
    private static Container Raw;
    private static Container State;
    public Container Container1=> Raw;
    public Container Container2=> State;

    public CosmosSingleTonConnection(IOptions<TestSettings> settings)
        _settings = settings.Value;
        cosmosClient =  InitializeCosmosClient(_settings.Key, _settings.Endpoint);
        Raw = cosmosClient.GetDatabase("myDb").GetContainer("col1");
        State = cosmosClient.GetDatabase("myDb").GetContainer("col2");

    private  CosmosClient InitializeCosmosClient(string key, string endpoint)
        return  CosmosClient
            .CreateAndInitializeAsync(accountEndpoint: endpoint, authKeyOrResourceToken: key, containers: containers, null, CancellationToken.None)

---Program.cs ---

var host = new HostBuilder()
    .ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults(builder =>
            .AddApplicationInsights(opt => { opt.EnableHeartbeat = true; })


void DoConfiguration(IServiceCollection services)
     .Configure<IConfiguration>((settings, configuration) => { configuration.Bind(settings); });
    services.AddScoped<IDoStuffService, DoStuffService>();



 private  readonly CosmosSingleTonConnection _db;

    public DoStuffService(CosmosSingleTonConnection db)
        _db = db;

 public FeedIterator<ObjectDTO> QueryLast30(string sensor)
        string top30 = @"Select * from Col1 r Where r.paritionKey= @partitionKey"; //" Order by r.DateTimeCreatedUtc";
        QueryRequestOptions ops = new QueryRequestOptions()
            PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(sensor)

        var query = new QueryDefinition(top30).WithParameter("@partitionKey", sensor);
        using FeedIterator<ObjectDTO> feed = _db.Container1().GetItemQueryIterator<ObjectDTO>(queryDefinition: query, null, null);
        return feed;


 public Function1(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IDoStuffService service)
            _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Function1>();
            Service = service;

        public async Task<HttpResponseData> RunAsync([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post")] HttpRequestData req)
            var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            List<string> responseTimes = new(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var feed = Service.QueryLast30("01020001");
                while (feed.HasMoreResults)
                    FeedResponse<RawSensorData> fr = await feed.ReadNextAsync();                                      
            response.WriteString(string.Join("  |  ", responseTimes));
            return response;

'----初始加上后续请求---` 这已经是最好的了吗?因为如果每次迭代我必须对 cosmos 执行 4 次原子操作,这就不好了。

459.3067 | 86.5555 | 86.5555 421.989 | 421.989 81.4663 | 426.62 | 426.62 81.7712 | 82.6038 | 78.9875 | 78.9875 81.0167 | 79.0283 201.5111 | 86.7607 | 86.7607 79.1739 | 79.1739 83.5416 | 79.2815 | 79.2815 80.5983 | 79.8568 | 83.7092 | 79.7441 | 79.7441 79.3132 81.8724 | 79.7575 | 79.7575 91.6382 | 80.5015 | 81.7875 | 87.2023 | 79.3385 | 79.3385 78.3251 | 78.3251 78.3159 | 78.3159 79.2731 82.8567 | 82.8567 81.5768 | 81.6155 | 81.535 | 81.5871 | 79.2668 | 79.6522 | 78.9888 | 79.2734 | 79.2734 80.0451 81.1635 | 88.578 | 111.7357 | 84.9948 | 80.207 | 80.207 81.2129 | 79.9344 | 79.9344 80.1654 | 79.4129 | 79.4129 82.7971



最佳实践是使用单例 CosmosClient 并缓存名称或数据库和容器对象,并将对这些对象的引用保留在应用程序的生命周期内。

如果您在每次调用时创建和销毁这些引用,则当 Cosmos Client 从主分区获取元数据以及建立与服务的连接时,您的应用程序将遭受性能高延迟。一旦这些引用和连接就位(在第一次调用服务之后),所有后续的服务调用都会很快。

快速检查我们的 .NET v3 迁移指南和这些性能提示也是个好主意:

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