Azure 事件中心(事件处理器主机与直接接收器)

标签 azure azure-eventhub azure-eventhub-client

我正在使用事件中心,想知道哪一种是更好的消费事件方法 事件处理器主机或直接接收器。如果其中之一更好,那么为什么。

您还可以帮助我任何 java 代码示例 github 或 java Azure SDK 来编写事件使用者。



Does using partitions and consumer groups is better approach

无论您如何消费事件,您始终拥有至少一个消费组和至少 2 个分区。它不是可选的。

Also Can you help me any java code sample github or java Azure SDK to write event consumer.


I am using Event Hub, wanted to know which one is better approach to consume events Event Processor Host or Direct Receivers. if one of it is better then why.

根据the docs :

For most production scenarios, we recommend that you use the event processor client for reading and processing events. The processor client is intended to provide a robust experience for processing events across all partitions of an event hub in a performant and fault tolerant manner while providing a means to checkpoint its progress. Event processor clients can work cooperatively within the context of a consumer group for a given event hub. Clients will automatically manage distribution and balancing of work as instances become available or unavailable for the group.


This method is not recommended for production use; the EventProcessorClient should be used for reading events from all partitions in a production scenario, as it offers a much more robust experience with higher throughput.


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