AZure azcopy Linux - 如何将变量传递给 azcopy

标签 azure azure-blob-storage azcopy


我想将 $mm 的值传递给此 azcopy。但是,由于 azcopy 参数用双引号引起来,因此它不希望正确处理。

 $mm=04 ; start=`echo "START DATE: $(date)"` ; azcopy cp "$mm/*?sv=2020-0RgUNH8A%3D" "$mm?sv=2021-0HGICxvaLULI%3D"


Job 24fa36ea-8bda-cc4f-632a-07db4d922036 has started
Log file is located at: /log/azcopy/24fa36ea-8bda-cc4f-632a-07db4d922036.log

100.0 %, 0 Done, 0 Failed, 0 Pending, 0 Skipped, 0 Total,

                                                                                                                                                                                          Job 24fa36ea-8bda-cc4f-632a-07db4d922036 summary                                                                                                                                          Elapsed Time (Minutes): 0.0333
Number of File Transfers: 0
Number of Folder Property Transfers: 0
Number of Symlink Transfers: 0
Total Number of Transfers: 0
Number of File Transfers Completed: 0
Number of Folder Transfers Completed: 0
Number of File Transfers Failed: 0
Number of Folder Transfers Failed: 0
Number of File Transfers Skipped: 0
Number of Folder Transfers Skipped: 0
TotalBytesTransferred: 0
Final Job Status: Completed




由于您在 Linux 中运行上述 cmdlet,因此需要使用 mm=04 初始化变量,而不是使用 $mm=04

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