python - key 错误 : 'Key' and TypeError: An Integer is required

标签 python pandas azure


# Get data
fileName = ''
raw = pd.read_csv(fileName, ",", header=None)
df = raw.copy()

df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['StartDateId'], format='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %p')
df['dow'] = df['datetime'].dt.dayofweek
df['tod'] = df['datetime'].dt.hour
df = df[['dow', 'tod', 'Owner', 'TenantId', 'SplitedPolicy']]

当我运行上面的代码时,它会产生这些错误,并且由于我完全不知道 Python 是如何工作的,所以我很难解释为什么会抛出这些错误。

TypeError: an integer is required

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError: 'StartDateId'



您告诉 pandas 忽略 csv 文件上的 header :

raw = pd.read_csv(fileName, ",", header=None)


raw = pd.read_csv(fileName, ",")

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