Azure 事件目录 : Where can I insert a function to run after a user is signed in?

标签 azure azure-active-directory

我一直在关注这个例子我非常确定在 SignIn 方法中我可以将我的函数放在那里运行,但我不确定你会如何进行

在 AccountController.cs 示例的顶部部分:

namespace WebApp_OpenIDConnect_DotNet_B2C.Controllers
    public class AccountController : Controller
        public void SignIn()
            if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
                // To execute a policy, you simply need to trigger an OWIN challenge.
                // You can indicate which policy to use by adding it to the AuthenticationProperties using the PolicyKey provided.

                    new AuthenticationProperties (
                        new Dictionary<string, string> 
                            {Startup.PolicyKey, Startup.SignInPolicyId}
                        RedirectUri = "/", 
                    }, OpenIdConnectAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType);

在哪里插入 toDoAfterSignedIn();方法 ?或者这是错误的做法,是否有一些监听器或事件发射器会在用户成功登录时通知我?


正确的插入位置是 Startup.Auth.cs文件。并注册您自己的 OpenIdConnectNotifications 之一。您需要的通知是SecurityTokenValidated。您需要像示例中已有的其他两个通知一样添加它。或者只需在 OpenIdConnectnotifications 初始值设定项中添加以下行:

                SecurityTokenValidated = (notification) => {
                    return Task.Delay(0); 


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