azure - 在 azure 自动化上执行 Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand 时出现问题

标签 azure azure-powershell azure-automation

尝试使用 Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand 通过 azure 自动化运行手册在 azure vm 上运行自定义脚本。但低于异常

InvokeAzureRmVMRunCommand begin processing with ParameterSet 'DefaultParameter'. using account id 'qwerqe-xxxxx-4fde-9f1a-3d4d92ed055c'... System.Management.Automation.Host.HostException: A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction. The host was attempting to request confirmation with the following message: A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction. The host was attempting to request confirmation with the following message: Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation "Invoke" on target "VM_Name".


# Get the connection "AzureRunAsConnection "

 $servicePrincipalConnection=Get-AutomationConnection -Name $connectionName         

  $login =  Add-AzureRmAccount `
        -ServicePrincipal `
        -TenantId $servicePrincipalConnection.TenantId `
        -ApplicationId $servicePrincipalConnection.ApplicationId `
        -CertificateThumbprint $servicePrincipalConnection.CertificateThumbprint 

$rgname = 'RG-Name'
$vmname = 'VM-Name'
$localmachineScript = 'PowerShell script file on your local machine like script-test.ps1'
wget "$localmachineScript" -outfile $localmachineScript 
Invoke-AzureRmVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $vmname -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath $localmachineScript -Parameter @{"arg1" = "var1";"arg2" = "var2"} -Debug



enter image description here

该问题是由-Debug引起的,它会提示您确认操作,但在Azure Runbook中,它不支持用户交互,因此我们无法在Runbook中使用它。如果你想获得输出,你可以使用类似Write-Output的东西。

enter image description here

此外,如果您愿意,我认为 wget "$localmachineScript"-outfile $localmachineScript 不会在 Runbook 中工作要将存储中的 Blob 下载到 Runbook,您可以选择使用 Get-AzStorageBlobContent 将 Blob 下载到 Runbook 的临时文件夹 ($env:temp)。

注意:在您的脚本中,您使用旧的 AzureRM 模块命令,它已被弃用并且不会更新,在我的示例中,我使用新的 Az 命令,我建议您也使用这个。


  1. 导航到门户中的自动化帐户 -> 模块,确保您已安装 Az.AccountsAz.Storage code>、Az.Compute 模块,如果没有,请转到浏览库 -> 搜索模块名称并安装。

    enter image description here

  2. 在 powershell runbook 中,使用如下示例,它对我有用。如果您的脚本需要一些参数,只需传递它们即可。

    $connectionName = "AzureRunAsConnection"
    $servicePrincipalConnection=Get-AutomationConnection -Name $connectionName         
    $login =  Connect-AzAccount `
            -ServicePrincipal `
            -TenantId $servicePrincipalConnection.TenantId `
            -ApplicationId $servicePrincipalConnection.ApplicationId `
            -CertificateThumbprint $servicePrincipalConnection.CertificateThumbprint 
    $localmachineScript = "testrun.ps1"
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName "<StorageAccountName>" -StorageAccountKey "<StorageAccountKey>"
    Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Container "<container-name>" -Blob $localmachineScript -Context $context -Destination $env:temp -Force
    $result = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName <group-name> -VMName <vm-name> -CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' -ScriptPath "$env:temp\$localmachineScript"
    Write-Output "The result:" $result.Value[0].Message

enter image description here

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