Azure 应用服务 smb 访问支持(不是 azure 文件)

标签 azure azure-web-app-service azure-appservice

在本地和云中运行的第三方 smb 服务器(不是 Azure 文件)。

Azure 应用服务是否支持为 Linux 容器挂载 smb 访问(读/写)?

我们可以将它用于生产环境来执行长时间运行的作业,例如扫描 smb 挂载中的文件吗?


Azure 应用服务禁用对 SMB 端口的访问

Regardless of address, applications cannot connect to anywhere using ports 445, 137, 138, and 139. In other words, even if connecting to a non-private IP address or the address of a virtual network, connections to ports 445, 137, 138, and 139 are not permitted.


Thanks for asking question! No, you cannot access on-premises file share from Azure App Service using Hybrid connection.
-- SnehaAgrawal-MSFT

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