azure - 设备未以 xamarin 形式在 azure 推送通知中心注册

标签 azure xamarin.ios xamarin.forms azure-notificationhub

我正在尝试在开发模式下在 azure 推送通知中心中使用标记注册设备 token ,但在 azure 门户中它显示已注册 0 个事件设备,当我检查通知中心时,它将显示发生了一个注册。



      var deviceTokenDes = deviceToken.Description;

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceTokenDes))
            deviceTokenDes = deviceTokenDes.Trim('<');
            deviceTokenDes = deviceTokenDes.Trim('>');
            deviceTokenDes = deviceTokenDes.Replace(" ", "");

            DeviceToken = deviceTokenDes.Trim('<');
            DeviceToken = deviceTokenDes.Trim('>');
            DeviceToken = deviceTokenDes.Replace(" ", "");

        Hub = new SBNotificationHub(myapp.ListenConnectionString, myapp.NotificationHubName);

登录 View 模型:

   var tags = new List<string> { userId };

        AppDelegate.Hub?.UnregisterAllAsync(AppDelegate.DeviceToken, error =>
            if (error != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Error calling Unregister: {0}", error);

            AppDelegate.Hub.RegisterNativeAsync(AppDelegate.DeviceToken, new NSSet(tags.ToArray()), errorCallback =>
                if (errorCallback != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("RegisterNativeAsync error: " + errorCallback.ToString());

用户成功登录应用程序后,我已使用标签注册了设备 token 。你能建议一下吗? enter image description here


这就是我们在 AppDelegate 类中所做的全部事情。

public override async void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken)
            bool ShouldComplete = true;

            // Validate if we have already got a registration
                string validation = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.StringForKey("InitialTagRegistration");
                if (validation.Contains("Completed"))
                    ShouldComplete = false;
            catch (Exception genEx)
                ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[EXCEPTION] - Exception has been hit! - Message: " + genEx.Message + " | Source: " + genEx);

            Hub = new SBNotificationHub(ConfigurableSettings.NotificationHubConnectionString, ConfigurableSettings.NotificationHubPathName);

            ApplicationState.SetValue("NotificationHub", Hub);

            // Get previous device token
            NSData oldDeviceToken = await ApplicationSettings.RetrieveDeviceToken();

            // If the token has changed unregister the old token and save the new token to UserDefaults.
            if (oldDeviceToken != null)
                if (oldDeviceToken.ToString() != deviceToken.ToString())
                        Hub.UnregisterAllAsync(oldDeviceToken, (error) =>
                            //check for errors in unregistration process.
                            if (error != null)
                                ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[PNS EXCEPTION] - Exception has been hit! - Message: " + error + " | Source: " + "Unregistering old device token against the notification hub.");
                                //exit out of the code here because we can't keep our hub clean without being able to remove the device from our registration list.
                                ShouldComplete = true;
                    catch (Exception genEx)
                        ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[PNS EXCEPTION] - Exception has been hit! - Message: " + genEx.Message + " | Source: " + genEx + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
                // Store current device token 
                bool res = await ApplicationSettings.CacheDeviceToken(deviceToken);

            // Check if we need to perform our initial registrations

            if (ShouldComplete)
                NSSet RegisteredTags = await ApplicationSettings.RetrieveUserTags();

                if (RegisteredTags == null)
                    RegisteredTags = new NSSet("AppleDevice");

                //Register the device against the notification hub keeping the details accurate at all times.
                Hub.RegisterNativeAsync(deviceToken, RegisteredTags, (errorCallback) =>
                    if (errorCallback != null)
                        ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[PNS EXCEPTION] - Exception has been hit! - Message: " + errorCallback + " | Source: " + "Registering device token against the notification hub.");
                        if (deviceToken != null)
                            NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString("Completed", "InitialTagRegistration");

总而言之,在将设备 token 传递到 azure 通知中心之前,您不需要对设备 token 执行任何操作。这就是为我们解决了问题的原因,我们的应用程序已经在事件应用程序中运行了几个月,没有任何问题。希望这会有所帮助。

编辑:为了在用户登录时更新标签,我们存储设备 token 以供稍后使用,并且当用户登录时,我们在单独的类中使用以下方法来方便更新标签:

    public static async Task<bool> UpdateTags(StaffProfile user)
        //Get the instance of the Notification hub
        SBNotificationHub UpdateHub = new SBNotificationHub(ConfigurableSettings.NotificationHubConnectionString, ConfigurableSettings.NotificationHubPathName);
    //Grab the current device token that was stored during the start up process.
    NSData CurrentDeviceToken = await ApplicationSettings.RetrieveDeviceToken();

    //Get and create the tags we want to use.

    string EmailTag = string.Empty;
    string StoreTag = string.Empty;
    string OrganisationTag = "AppleDevice:OrgTag";
    string GenericTag = "AppleDevice:StaffTag";

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Email))
        EmailTag = user.Email;
        //Remove unwanted spaces and symbols.
        EmailTag = EmailTag.Replace(" ", "");
        EmailTag = string.Format("AppleDevice:{0}", EmailTag);

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Store?.Name))
        StoreTag = user.Store.Name;
        //Remove unwanted space.
        StoreTag = StoreTag.Replace(" ", "");
        StoreTag = string.Format("AppleDevice:{0}", StoreTag);

    //Create array of strings to the currently fixed size of 3 items.
    NSString[] TagArray = new NSString[4];

    //Only add in the tags that contain data.
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailTag)) { TagArray[0] = (NSString)EmailTag; }
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StoreTag)) { TagArray[1] = (NSString)StoreTag; }
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrganisationTag)) { TagArray[2] = (NSString)OrganisationTag; }
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GenericTag)) { TagArray[3] = (NSString)GenericTag; }

    NSSet tags = new NSSet(TagArray);

    // Store our tags into settings

        if (CurrentDeviceToken == null)
            ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[PNS EXCEPTION] - Exception has been hit! - Message: Device token is empty." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            UpdateHub.RegisterNativeAsync(CurrentDeviceToken, tags, (error) =>
                //check for errors in unregistration process.
                if (error != null)
                    ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[PNS EXCEPTION] - Exception has been hit! - Message: " + error + " | Source: " + "Registering against hub with new tags." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

                    // Lets do this so that we can force the initial registration to take place again.
                    NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetString("Failed", "InitialTagRegistration");
                    ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[INFORMATION] - Message: Successful Registration - Source: Registering against hub with new tags." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
    catch (Exception genEx)
        ApplicationLog.AppendFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "  :  " + "[PNS EXCEPTION] - Exception has been hit! - Message: " + genEx.Message + " | Source: " + genEx + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

    return await Task.FromResult(true);

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