Azure 部署失败

标签 azure .net-core

自上个月以来,我在 Azure 函数应用程序上使用 Visual Studio 在 azure 上成功进行了部署,但突然在部署时开始出现错误。

Web deployment task failed. (Unable to perform the operation ("Create File") for the specified directory ("D:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\extensions.json")


  1. 我重新启动了我的 Function 应用
  2. 重置发布 key

Updating file (MobiMatterUsers\bin\extensions.json). C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.2.105\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish\build\netstandard1.0\PublishTargets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.MSDeploy.targets(140,5): error : Web deployment task failed. (Unable to perform the operation ("Create File") for the specified directory ("D:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\extensions.json"). This can occur if the server administrator has not authorized this operation for the user credentials you are using.



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