javascript - Azure Blob 静态网站中的乱码

标签 javascript azure azure-blob-storage azure-sdk

我最近尝试将我的 Angular 网站部署到 Azure 静态网站,但发现了一些问题。

据我测试,使用 ng build 并将所有文件上传到 Blob 存储,并且该网站运行良好,但如果我压缩文件以节省更多空间,则会出现问题。

我在Linux下使用gzip压缩文件,最后将它们重命名为clip .gz。


const fs = require("fs");

const {BlobServiceClient, StorageSharedKeyCredential} = require("@azure/storage-blob");
//Give every file type a content type
const contentTps = {
  "js": "text/javascript",
  "txt": "text/plain",
  "png": "image/png",
  "css": "text/css",
  "json": "application/json",
  "gif": "image/gif",
  "ico": "image/x-icon",
  "svg": "image/svg+xml",
  "woff": "application/font-woff",
  "html": "text/html"
//Should perhaps detect the key handly
const account = "accountName";
const accountKey = "accountKey";
const containerName = "$web";
const fileLocation = "./dist/";
// Use StorageSharedKeyCredential with storage account and account key
// StorageSharedKeyCredential is only avaiable in Node.js runtime, not in browsers
let sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(account, accountKey);
let blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(

//This main function could be edited to fit others situations
async function main() {

  //take container by container name
  let container = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(containerName);

  //Delete all files in container , to upload it again.
  for await (let blob of container.listBlobsFlat()) {
    await container.deleteBlob(;
  fs.readdirSync(fileLocation).forEach(file => {
    console.log("file is " + file);
    let stat = fs.lstatSync(fileLocation + "/" + file);
    if (stat.isFile()) {
      let txt = fs.readFileSync(fileLocation + "/" + file);
      //test upload function.
      let blobName = file;
      let index = blobName.lastIndexOf(".");
      let ext = blobName.substr(index + 1);
      console.log("The file end with:" + ext);

      console.log("Uploading block blob" + blobName);
      //should edit content type when upload, otherwise they will all become application/octet-stream, and impossible to open in browser
      container.uploadBlockBlob(blobName, txt, txt.length, {
        "blobHTTPHeaders": {
          //not for local deploy test"blobContentEncoding":"gzip"
          blobContentEncoding: "gzip",

      //const uploadResponse = blockBlobClient.uploadFile(fileLocation+"/"+file);
      console.log("Blob was uploaded ");



如您所见,我还将内容类型更改为对应的内容类型,而不是默认的 application/octet-stream。




  const content = "Hello world hello world Hello world hello world Hello world hello world";
  const gzipped = zlib.gzipSync(content);
  const res = await blockBlobClient.upload(gzipped, gzipped.byteLength, {
    blobHTTPHeaders: {
        blobContentEncoding: "gzip",
        blobContentType: "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"

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