.net - WebForms Application_Error() 到 Azure Blob 存储 - 网站挂起

标签 .net azure webforms azure-blob-storage

我在示例存储库中重现了一个问题,其中 WebForms 项目中未处理的异常被 Global.asax 中的 Application_Error 方法捕获。我需要将该错误日志写入 Azure Blob 存储。 Blob 存储代码适用于处理应用程序内以及拉入控制台应用程序时的错误。但是,未处理的异常将在“containerClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync()”方法(这是链中的第一个 http 调用)上无限期挂起(不会失败)。

我相信 Blob 存储 SDK 在检查容器是否存在时确实会返回 http 409 [冲突]。但是当我注释掉该行(并且容器存在)时,它在尝试上传文件时显示相同的行为。


可在 this repo 中重现,只需创建您自己的存储帐户,将您自己添加为 IAM 中的 blob 贡献者,使用帐户和容器名称更新 Web.Config。


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) // Default.aspx
        throw new Exception("is this the exception you are looking for?");

    protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) //Global.asax
        Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();

        Logger.AddLog(ex, string.Empty);
        if (ex.InnerException != null) Logger.AddLog(ex.InnerException, string.Empty);
        this.Response.Redirect("Error.aspx", true);

    internal static void AddLog(Exception ex, string empty) // static class in Logger.cs
        byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ex.Message);
        string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt";
        string storageAccountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageAccountName"].ToString();
        string storageContainerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageContainerName"].ToString();

        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray))

            StreamToCloudStorageAsync(storageAccountName, storageContainerName, stream, fileName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();


    async static Task StreamToCloudStorageAsync(string accountName, string containerName, Stream sourceStream, string destinationFileName) // static class in Logger.cs
        // Construct the blob container endpoint from the arguments.
        string containerEndpoint = string.Format("https://{0}.blob.core.windows.net/{1}",

        // Get a credential and create a client object for the blob container.
        BlobContainerClient containerClient = new BlobContainerClient(new Uri(containerEndpoint), new DefaultAzureCredential());

        // Create the container if it does not exist.
        await containerClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

        var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(destinationFileName);

        // Upload text to a new block blob.
        var blob = await blobClient.UploadAsync(sourceStream);



.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); 会阻塞您的代码,并导致代码中出现死锁。另请参阅this blog post .

您应该让 AddLog 返回一个任务并等待StreamToCloudStorageAsync 的调用:

internal static Task AddLogAsync(Exception ex, string empty) // static class in Logger.cs
        byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ex.Message);
        string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt";
        string storageAccountName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageAccountName"].ToString();
        string storageContainerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storageContainerName"].ToString();

        using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray))

            await StreamToCloudStorageAsync(storageAccountName, storageContainerName, stream, fileName);


然后重构 Application_Error 事件处理程序以正确等待异步调用:

    protected async void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) //Global.asax
        Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();

        await Logger.AddLogAsync(ex, string.Empty);
        if (ex.InnerException != null) 
            await Logger.AddLogAsync(ex.InnerException, string.Empty);
        this.Response.Redirect("Error.aspx", true);

通常应该避免使用async void,但事件处理程序是一个异常(exception)。



        await Logger.AddLogAsync(ex, string.Empty);
        if (ex.InnerException != null) 
            await Logger.AddLogAsync(ex.InnerException, string.Empty);


while(ex != null)
    await Logger.AddLogAsync(ex, string.Empty);
    ex = ex.InnerException

关于.net - WebForms Application_Error() 到 Azure Blob 存储 - 网站挂起,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66459592/


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