Azure Service Fabric 自动升级

标签 azure upgrade azure-service-fabric

当集群设置为自动升级模式时,即使有新版本的集群,升级也不会开始。正如文档中所说“您可以将集群设置为接收 Microsoft 发布的自动结构升级”,这是否意味着升级将在当前版本的支持结束后完成?



Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, and taking into consideration the challenges faced by our customers, we are making 7.1 available through the manual upgrade path, but clusters set to automatic upgrade will not automatically receive the upgrade at this time. Automatic upgrades will be paused until further notice to ensure that customers can apply upgrades when most appropriate for them, to avoid unexpected disruptions.

更多信息herehere .

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