为我们的数据库设置连接字符串时,AzureAppServiceSettings 失败

标签 azure azure-devops azure-web-app-service azure-resource-manager

我遇到一个问题,即在使用任务 AzureAppServiceSettings@1 运行 yaml 管道来设置数据库服务器的连接字符串时,我在 Azure Devops 实例上不断收到此错误。

- task: AzureAppServiceSettings@1
  displayName: 'Dev app service settings'
    azureSubscription: '**subscriptionName**'
    appName: '**appName**'
    resourceGroupName: '**resourceGroupName**'
    connectionStrings: |
          "name": "DefaultConneciton",
          "value": "Server=tcp:**serverName**,1433;Initial Catalog=**dbName**;Persist Security Info=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Authentication=\"Active Directory Default\";",
          "type": "SQLAzure",
          "slotSetting": false


##[error]Error: Failed to update App service 'appName' Connection Strings. Error: BadRequest - The parameter properties has an invalid value. (CODE: 400)

我还尝试通过 Azure 资源资源管理器编辑应用设置 并具有相同的输出:

    "Code": "BadRequest",
    "Message": "The parameter properties has an invalid value.",
    "Target": null,
    "Details": [
            "Message": "The parameter properties has an invalid value."
            "Code": "BadRequest"
            "ErrorEntity": {
                "ExtendedCode": "51008",
                "MessageTemplate": "The parameter {0} has an invalid value.",
                "Parameters": [
                "Code": "BadRequest",
                "Message": "The parameter properties has an invalid value."
    "Innererror": null



如果您已在 Azure 门户上添加了连接字符串参数,请尝试在管道或 Azure 门户上将其删除。

如果不起作用,请将 ** 替换为 ''。

关于为我们的数据库设置连接字符串时,AzureAppServiceSettings 失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73739599/


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