c++ - 在函数内释放动态内存

标签 c++ c++11


我正在尝试创建一个函数来接收一个 const char 数组并返回该数组的一部分。该函数与数组一起接收两个值,指示要提取的部分中第一个字符的索引和最后一个字符的索引。





char* seperateString(const char* a, int b, int c) {

                // This is simply to assure that I don't allocated a negative size
        if (b < c) {
                cout << "***Error with \"seperateString\" function***" << endl << endl;
                return '\0';

        char* seperated = new char[c - b + 2];

        int i = 0;
        int j = b;

        for (; i <= c - b; i++)
                seperated[i] = a[j++];

        seperated[i] = '\0';

        char* send = seperated;
        delete[] seperated;

        return send;

int main() {
        cout << "Program Iniciated." << endl << endl;

        const int a = 6, b = 11;

        const char* toBeSeperated = "Hello there, I have missed you.";
        char *ari = seperateString(toBeSeperated, 6, 11);

        cout << "Sentence is: " << toBeSeperated << endl << endl
            << "Extracted portion is: " << ari << endl << endl;

        return 0;


int main() {
        cout << "Program Iniciated." << endl << endl;

            // variable a and b hold the beginning and last index values of the portion 
            // that is wanted to extract. 
        const int a = 6, b = 11;

            // This is an example sentence  |------| this is the portion being extracted.
        const char* toBeSeperated = "Hello there, I have missed you.";

            // variable holding extracted portion.
            // created with the size necessary to hold the portion plus a \0.
        char* seperated = new char[b  -a  +2];
                                                                //Given that a and b are index values 1 has to be added for size
                                                                //Additionally an extra space is require for \0

            //i is held outside the for loop to allow to access it after it completes the cycle
          //so it's able to assing \0 after the last character.
        int i = 0;

          //j holds the value of the first index
        int j = a;

        for (; i <= b - a; i++)
                seperated[i] = toBeSeperated[j++];

        seperated[i] = '\0';

        cout << "Sentence is: " << toBeSeperated << endl << endl
                << "Extracted portion is: " << seperated << endl << endl;

        delete[] seperated;
        return 0;




  1. 在我们调用之前分配内存,并向被调用函数提供指向该内存的指针和大小(不够优雅)
  2. 确保我们以安全的方式传回指向已分配内存的指针

然而,在这两种情况下,我们都必须确保手动释放内存。智能指针非常适合这种用例,特别是 std::unique_ptr .


#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

std::unique_ptr<char[]> seperateString(const char* a, int b, int c) {
    using namespace std;
    // This is simply to assure that I don't allocated a negative size
    if (c < b) {
        cout << "***Error with \"seperateString\" function***" << endl << endl;
        return '\0';

    auto seperated = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[c - b + 2]);

    int i = 0;
    int j = b;

    for (; i <= c - b; i++)
        seperated[i] = a[j++];

    seperated[i] = '\0';

    return seperated;

int main() {
    using namespace std;
    cout << "Program Iniciated." << endl << endl;

    const int a = 6, b = 11;

    const char* toBeSeperated = "Hello there, I have missed you.";
    auto ari = seperateString(toBeSeperated, 0, 5);

    cout << "Sentence is: " << toBeSeperated << endl << endl
        << "Extracted portion is: " << ari.get() << endl << endl;

    return 0;


函数中seperateString , 我们构建了 unique_ptr通过运算符 new[] 指向动态分配的字符数组的指针.从这一点开始,我们不需要管理动态分配的内存,因为它绑定(bind)到智能指针的生命周期 seperated .每当seperated被销毁,其析构函数将调用运算符 delete[]在构造时分配给它的数组指针上。

等等,seperated在函数返回时被销毁,那么我们不是回到原点,因为在我们开始在调用代码中使用它之前释放了内存吗?不,因为我们要返回 unique_ptr<char[]>按值,编译器将资源的所有权从函数本地 seperated 移出指向调用站点本地的唯一指针 ari唯一指针,通过移动构造函数构造它。现在函数调用中分配的内存的命运与 ari 的生命周期相关。 ,当它超出范围时,内存将被释放而不会泄漏。

关于c++ - 在函数内释放动态内存,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57368729/


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