azure - 谁更快? AppFabric 缓存还是 Memcached?

标签 azure memcached appfabric

我们使用 MS AppFabric 缓存来存储中央 session 。但我们想知道这家店的速度有多快?有哪位地产人曾经在 native 上做过虚拟机和Memcached?



我不确定是否见过这方面的任何基准测试,因此很难回答,但 6 月 7 日发布的新 Windows Azure 缓存服务解决了分布式 Multi-Tenancy Azure 缓存服务的许多性能问题。

以下是海石关于 Azure 缓存的博客的摘录,请注意 Windows Azure 缓存现在也支持 Memcached 互操作性...

"The cluster utilizes free memory spaces on your Cloud Service host machines, and the cluster service process can either share the host machines of your web/worker roles, or run on dedicated virtual machines when you use dedicated caching worker roles"

Fast performance. The cluster either collocates with your roles, or runs in close proximity based on affinity groups. This helps to reduce latency to minimum. In addition, you can also enable local cache on your web/worker roles so that they get fastest in-memory accesses to cached items as well as notification support.

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