php - 使用 php 的 Azure 共享访问签名错误

标签 php codeigniter azure azure-storage

我正在使用 SAS 尝试使用 php 从私有(private) Azure 存储容器下载 blob。但它总是让我犯同样的错误。

Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. ...
Signature did not match. String to sign used ... /blob/name/container/archive.jpg


static private function getSASForBlob($accountName,$containerName, $fileName, $resourceType, $permissions, $expiry) {
     /* Create the signature */         

        $_arraysign = array();
        $_arraysign[] = $permissions;
        $_arraysign[] = '';
        $_arraysign[] = $expiry;
        $_arraysign[] = $accountName . '/' . $containerName . '/' . $fileName;
        $_arraysign[] = '';
        $_arraysign[] = "2015-04-05"; //the API version is now required
        $_arraysign[] = '';
        $_arraysign[] = '';
        $_arraysign[] = '';
        $_arraysign[] = '';
        $_arraysign[] = '';

        $_str2sign = implode("\n", $_arraysign);

        return base64_encode(
        hash_hmac('sha256', urldecode(utf8_encode($_str2sign)), base64_decode($key), true)
    static public function getBlobDownloadUrl($container,$blob,$accountName,$key){
 /* Create the signed query part */         
        /*$expTime_utc = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
        $expTime_utc->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
        $expiry = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime('+1 day'));
        $_signature=AzureServices::getSASForBlob($accountName,$key,$container, $blob, $resourceType, $permissions, $expiry);
        $_parts = array();
        $_parts[] = (!empty($expiry))?'se=' . urlencode($expiry):'';
        $_parts[] = 'sr=' . $resourceType;
        $_parts[] = (!empty($permissions))?'sp=' . $permissions:'';
        $_parts[] = 'sig=' . urlencode($_signature);
        $_parts[] = "sv=2015-04-05";

        /* Create the signed blob URL */
        $_url = 'https://'
        . $container . '/'
        . $blob . '?'
        . implode('&', $_parts);

        return $_url;

我尝试按照相同的结构将日期更改为 DateTime,在“$_arraysign[] = $accountName . '/' . $containerName . '/' . $fileName” 行中添加和删除“/”。 ..但是什么也没发生,显示了相同的错误消息...... 请帮我。 谢谢


由于您在2015-04-05中使用了signedversion,所以除了@Gaurav Mantri的答案之外,还有一点您需要注意,是根据构建签名字符串部分的描述:

Version 2015-04-05 adds support for the signed IP and signed protocol fields. These must be included in the string-to-sign. To construct the string-to-sign for Blob or File service resources, use the following format:

StringToSign = signedpermissions + "\n" +
           signedstart + "\n" +
           signedexpiry + "\n" +
           canonicalizedresource + "\n" +
           signedidentifier + "\n" +
           signedIP + "\n" +
           signedProtocol + "\n" +
           signedversion + "\n" +
           rscc + "\n" +
           rscd + "\n" +
           rsce + "\n" +
           rscl + "\n" +


$_arraysign = array();
$_arraysign[] = $permissions;
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = $expiry;
$_arraysign[] = '/blob/' . $accountName . '/' . $container . '/' . $blob;
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = "2015-04-05"; //the API version is now required
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = '';
$_arraysign[] = '';


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