Azure服务总线: Receive all the message from one session id of a queue

标签 azure azureservicebus azure-servicebus-queues

我有 2 个问题未能找到任何解决方案。

  1. Azure 服务总线队列中是否有任何内置方式,我只能从 session 处理程序中的一个 session (针对该 sessionId)接收消息。

  2. 还有什么方法可以让我仅从该 session 的死信队列接收消息。

我可以在代码中以编程方式执行此操作,但我不想在代码中编写 if else 逻辑。


Is there any built in way in azure service bus queue, where I can receive messages only from one session (for that sessionId) in my session handler.

正如 Sean Feldman 提到的,Queue​Client.​Accept​Message​Session​Async(sessionID) 允许在普通队列中实现这一点。

如果想使用Queue​Client.​Accept​Message​Session​Async(sessionID)来接收队列消息,我们需要创建RequiresSession 真实

var description = new QueueDescription(QueueName) 
    RequiresSession = true 


Also is there any way I can receive messages only from the deadlettered queue for that session alone.


   var dlqName= QueueClient.FormatDeadLetterPath(queueName);
   var dlqClient = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionstring, dfQueue);
   var gid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
   var messageSession = client.AcceptMessageSession(gid);
   var receiveMessage = messageSession.Receive();

Cannot create a MessageSession for a sub-queue. TrackingId:06a39820-7bf6-412d-ab31-80ef5c174a12_G20_B31, SystemTracker:tomsbservice:Queue: queuename |$DeadLetterQueue


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