azure - 任意磁盘大小的托管磁盘计费

标签 azure

在他们的managed disk pricing page中微软Azure提供了一种基于预定义磁盘大小的计费方法,但没有提到任意磁盘大小的定价。我假设他们按最接近的较大磁盘大小收费(例如 38GiB 将按 64GiB 收费)


是的,您的理解是正确的。在考虑托管磁盘计费的磁盘大小时。可以引用这个doc .

Billing for managed disks depends on the provisioned size of the disk. Azure maps the provisioned size (rounded up) to the nearest Managed Disks option as specified in the tables below. Each managed disk maps to one of the supported provisioned sizes and is billed accordingly. For example, if you create a standard managed disk and specify a provisioned size of 200 GB, you are billed as per the pricing of the S15 Disk type.

enter image description here

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