azure - 如何在rest api收集Azure Key Vault中的所有 secret 后获取所有 key

标签 azure azure-powershell azure-keyvault azure-rest-api

祝大家有美好的一天! 我有一个 VMware Windows,它在 key 保管库中有权限,我想收集所有 key ,但完成后的下面的代码只有 ID + 属性,不包含 key 值。任何人都可以帮我完成下面的代码以获取所有关键 secret 。


$RresourceUrl = ''

# Compose REST request.
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method GET -Headers @{Metadata="true"}

$OAuth = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

# Check if authentication was successfull.
if ($OAuth.access_token) {
    #Format headers.
    $HeaderParams = @{
            'Content-Type'  = "application\json"

            'Authorization' = "Bearer $($OAuth.access_token)"

    # Create an empty array to store the result.
    $QueryResults = @()
    $Uri = "https://$RresourceUrl/secrets?api-version=2016-10-01"
    # Invoke REST method and fetch data until there are no pages left.
    do {
        $Results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method GET -Headers $HeaderParams | ConvertFrom-Json
        if ($Results.value) {
            $QueryResults += $Results.value
        else {
            $QueryResults += $Results
        $Uri = $Results.nextLink
    } until (!($Uri))

    # Return the result.
    $QueryResults | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformatio *\Documents\Tesst.csv    
else {
    Write-Error "No Access Token"



$RresourceUrl = ''

# Compose REST request.
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method GET -Headers @{Metadata="true"}

$OAuth = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

# Check if authentication was successfull.
if ($OAuth.access_token) {
    #Format headers.
    $HeaderParams = @{
            'Content-Type'  = "application\json"

            'Authorization' = "Bearer $($OAuth.access_token)"

    # Create an empty array to store the result.
    $QueryResults = @()
    $Uri = "https://$RresourceUrl/secrets?api-version=2016-10-01"
    # Invoke REST method and fetch data until there are no pages left.
    do {
        $Results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method GET -Headers $HeaderParams | ConvertFrom-Json
        if ($Results.value) {
            $QueryResults += $Results.value
        else {
            $QueryResults += $Results
        $Uri = $Results.nextLink
    } until (!($Uri))

    # Return the result.
else {
    Write-Error "No Access Token"

# get Key after to have secrets name            
$output = ForEach ($nameSecret in $
    $Resultskey = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $($nameSecret+'?api-version=2016-10-01') -Method GET  -Headers $HeaderParams | ConvertFrom-Json
$output  | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformatio *\$RresourceUrl.csv

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