c++ - std::reduce 似乎将结果转换为整数

标签 c++ c++17



double polynomials(const vector<double> & coeffs, double x) {
    double sum = 0.0;
    double factor = 1.0;
    for (double coeff: coeffs) {
        sum += coeff * factor;
        factor *= x;
    return sum;

double algorithm_polynomials(const vector<double> & coeffs, double x) {
    return reduce(execution::seq, cbegin(coeffs), end(coeffs), 0, [factor=1.0, x](double sum, double coeff) mutable {
        double curr_sum = sum + coeff * factor;
        factor *= x;
        return curr_sum;




#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <execution>

using namespace std;

需要带有 -std=c++17 标志的 gcc 9 或更高版本以及从 2019 年到 tbb 的链接。


我感到有点惭愧,既因为没有看到它,也因为 reduce 函数使用不当(由于可变的 lambda 而无法将其并行化)。


class counter: public std::iterator<
        std::random_access_iterator_tag,   // iterator_category
        size_t,                      // value_type
        size_t,                      // difference_type
        const size_t*,               // pointer
        size_t                       // reference
    size_t num = 0;
    explicit counter(size_t _num) : num(_num) {}
    counter& operator++() {num += 1; return *this;}
    counter operator++(int) {counter retval = *this; ++(*this); return retval;}
    bool operator==(counter other) const {return num == other.num;}
    bool operator!=(counter other) const {return !(*this == other);}
    counter& operator+=(size_t i) { num += i; return *this; }
    counter& operator-=(size_t i) { num -= i; return *this; }
    counter operator +(counter &other) const { return counter(num + other.num);}
    counter operator -(counter &other) const { return counter(num - other.num); }
    counter operator +(size_t i) const { return counter(num + i); }
    counter operator -(size_t i) const {return counter(num - i); }
    reference operator*() const {return num;}

double better_algorithm_polinomials(const vector<double> & coeffs, double x) {
    //this has the advantage of being easily parallelized
    return transform_reduce(execution::par, cbegin(coeffs), end(coeffs), counter(0), 0.0, plus{}, [x](double coeff, size_t index) { return coeff * pow<double>(x, index); });



template<class ExecutionPolicy, class ForwardIt, class T, class BinaryOp>
T reduce(ExecutionPolicy&& policy,
         ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, T init, BinaryOp binary_op);

您可以清楚地看到返回值使用与 init 参数相同的数据类型,在您的例子中它被推导为 int,这就是为什么结果是一个 int

要使返回值成为 double,只需在 init 中将文字 0 更改为 0.0 > 参数:

return reduce(execution::seq, cbegin(coeffs), cend(coeffs), 0.0, ...);

关于c++ - std::reduce 似乎将结果转换为整数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57632895/


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