azure - 如何在 Azure SSAS 上部署多维数据集(XMLA 格式)

标签 azure powershell automation ssas


首先祝您 2021 年乃至 2022 年一切顺利 这是我的问题,我正在等待我们的技术团队授予我访问 Azure Devops 平台的权限(这可能需要一段时间),但同时我希望有一个临时解决方案,允许我部署 xmla(Json 格式)直接在现有 SSAS 实例上,以便使用 powershell 创建多维数据集。

我读过一些文档,似乎最好的解决方案是使用 Invoke-ASCmd (如果我错了,请纠正我);我认为不可能通过 REST API 做到这一点



$myfile = "c:\temp\test2.xmla"
$mybody=Get-Content -Path c:\temp\test2.xmla
$mytenant = "1234"
$myclientID = "ABCD";
$mykeyID = "theKeyID";
$myauthority = "" + $mytenant + "/oauth2/authorize";

$TokenRequestParams = @{
    Method = 'POST'
    Uri    = "$myauthority"
    Body   = @{
        grant_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"
        code       = $DeviceCodeRequest.device_code
        client_id  = $myclientID
$TokenRequest = Invoke-RestMethod @TokenRequestParams

$myconnectstr="Provider=MSOLAP;User ID=;Password="+$TokenRequest+";Data Source="+$myaas+";Persist Security Info=True;Impersonation Level=Impersonate"

Invoke-ASCmd -InputFile $myfile -ConnectionString $myconnectstr -Server $myaas

XMLA 是这样的

  "create": {
    "database": {
      "name": "TESTME",
      "compatibilityLevel": 1500,
      "model": {
        "culture": "en-GB",
        "dataSources": [
        "tables": [
        "relationships": [
        "roles": [
            "name": "Admin",
            "modelPermission": "administrator",
            "members": [
                "memberName": "<a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="c3aebaa6aea2aaaf83a7acaea2aaadeda0acae" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>",
                "identityProvider": "AzureAD"
            "name": "Reader",
            "modelPermission": "read",
            "members": [
        "annotations": [
            "name": "ClientCompatibilityLevel",
            "value": "400"

但我收到以下错误消息(尝试使用 powershell ise x86 和 64 位)

<b>Invoke-ASCmd : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
At line:24 char:1
+ Invoke-ASCmd -InputFile $myfile -ConnectionString $myconnectstr -Serv ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Invoke-ASCmd], NullReferenceE 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.NullReferenceException,Microsoft.Analysis 


我一直在尝试类似于在 Azure AAS 表格模型上“createoreplace”多个表的操作,在我的例子中 $connectionstring 是一个问题,如果您还没有尝试过,请先尝试使用您的 id 进行身份验证..谢谢

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