Azure:是否可以删除 Azure 备份中的还原点?

标签 azure

我有一个测试还原点(超过 30 天),我想删除它以节省成本。我尝试通过 azure 门户,发现唯一的选择是删除备份数据,而不是特定虚拟机的还原点。



现在可以考虑门户、powershell 和 CLI。

首先您需要停止备份(保留备份)。 在 RSV 属性中禁用软删除。 之后找到适当的 RG - AzureBackupRG-location_of_vm,例如:AzureBackupRG_westus2_1 请记住选中 RG 中的“显示隐藏类型”。 最后一步是删除该 RG 中的还原点。 您仅删除还原点,而不是从保管库中删除备份


Temporarily stop the backup and retain backup data.

To move virtual machines configured with Azure Backup, do the following steps:

Find the location of your virtual machine.
Find a resource group with the following naming pattern: AzureBackupRG_<location of your VM>_1. For example, AzureBackupRG_westus2_1
In the Azure portal, check Show hidden types.
Find the resource with type Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections that has the naming pattern AzureBackup_<name of your VM that you're trying to move>_###########.
Delete this resource. This operation deletes only the instant recovery points, not the backed-up data in the vault.
After the delete operation is complete, you can move your virtual machine.
Move the VM to the target resource group.

Resume the backup.

Link to MS Doc

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