php - Azure - 从 PHP 为 Blob 生成 SAS token

标签 php azure

我已从门户内创建了 SAS token ,一切正常,我可以访问私有(private) blob。

我正在尝试使用此函数动态创建新的 SAS token :

function generateSasToken($uri, $sasKeyName, $sasKeyValue) 
    $targetUri = strtolower(rawurlencode(strtolower($uri))); 
    $expires = time();     
    $expiresInMins = 60; 
    $week = 60*60*24*7;
    $expires = $expires + $week; 
    $toSign = $targetUri . "\n" . $expires; 
    $signature = rawurlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256',             
    $toSign, $sasKeyValue, TRUE))); 

    $token = "SharedAccessSignature sr=" . $targetUri . "&sig=" . $signature . "&se=" . $expires .         "&skn=" . $sasKeyName; 
    return $token; 

这确实会生成 SAS token ,但其格式与从门户生成的帐户范围略有不同。

当尝试使用 token 时,我收到错误:

Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. RequestId:1d65690e-e01e-00a6-3d3f-b505c1000000 Time:2018-03-06T11:40:20.5662128Z
<AuthenticationErrorDetail>Signature fields not well formed.</AuthenticationErrorDetail>

正确工作的帐户范围 SAS 具有以下格式:


失败的函数生成的 SAS token 具有以下格式:



使用最新版本的 PHP API(2020 年 8 月),您可以使用以下类来生成 SAS。您所需要的只是:

  • 帐户名称
  • 帐户 key
  • 容器名称
  • Blob 名称
use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\Resources;

$sas_helper = new MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\BlobSharedAccessSignatureHelper($_ENV['azure_account_name'], $_ENV['azure_account_key']);
$sas = $sas_helper->generateBlobServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken(
    Resources::RESOURCE_TYPE_BLOB,              # Resource name to generate the canonicalized resource. It can be Resources::RESOURCE_TYPE_BLOB or Resources::RESOURCE_TYPE_CONTAINER
    "{$container}/{$blob}",                     # The name of the resource, including the path of the resource. It should be {container}/{blob}: for blobs.
    "r",                                        # Signed permissions.
    (new \DateTime())->modify('+10 minute'),    # Signed expiry
    (new \DateTime())->modify('-5 minute'),     # Signed start
    '',                                         # Signed IP, the range of IP addresses from which a request will be accepted, eg. ""
    'https',                                    # Signed protocol, should always be https
echo "https://{$_ENV['azure_account_name']}{$container}/{$blob}?{$sas}";

$_ENV 变量替换为您访问 API key 的首选方法。


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