azure - 获取 Azure DevOps 管道中的具体任务版本

标签 azure azure-devops azure-pipelines azure-data-factory


- task: PublishADFTask@1
  displayName: 'Publish Datafactory'
       // inputs there


这是在 azure devops yaml 管道中使用先前任务版本的方法吗?


- task: <a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="8fdffaede3e6fce7cecbc9dbeefce4cfbea1bdb8a1bebcbeba" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>
  displayName: 'Publish Datafactory'
       // inputs there



只要组织中安装了旧版本,就应该可以使用。如果需要,您可以使用 tfx 构建任务上传或 powershell 脚本将旧版本强制上传到组织中。如果有人卸载并重新安装扩展以尝试解决问题,旧版本可能会丢失。

要上传旧版本的任务,首先请确保您拥有已知良好的任务版本的 zip 文件或包含该任务的可用文件夹,然后运行:

# use node 16 or better
npm install -g tfx-cli

# for an extracted task folder
tfx build tasks upload --task-path .\1.27.1315

# for a zipped up task
tfx build tasks upload --task-zip-path .\

或使用此 PowerShell 代码段:

"Installing task '$($Task.Name)' version '$($Task.Version)' id '$($Task.Id)'."
$url = "$($CollectionUrl.TrimEnd('/'))/_apis/distributedtask/tasks/$($Task.Id)/?overwrite=false&api-version=2.0"

[byte[]]$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes((Get-Item -LiteralPath $TaskZip).FullName)

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Put -Body $bytes -UseDefaultCredentials -ContentType 'application/octet-stream' -Headers @{
    'Authorization' = "Basic $([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(":$Pat")))"
    'X-TFS-FedAuthRedirect' = 'Suppress'
    'Content-Range' = "bytes 0-$($bytes.Length - 1)/$($bytes.Length)"

I have the whole process laid out in a blog post .

如果需要,请直接从 Azure DevOps Marketplace 下载旧版本的任务。以下命令应将所有可用版本转储到输出。 F找到所需的版本并查找 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage 类型的资源以获取旧版本扩展的下载 URL:

tfx extension show --publisher SQLPlayer --extension-id DataFactoryTools

    "publisher": {
        "publisherId": "6e2d04c5-e827-4358-a426-97b85f170d67",
        "publisherName": "SQLPlayer",
        "displayName": "AzurePlayer",
        "flags": 2,
        "domain": "",
        "isDomainVerified": true
    "extensionId": "d729bc25-03da-47fb-8b04-7cdc6f15df0e",
    "extensionName": "DataFactoryTools",
    "displayName": "Deploy Azure Data Factory (#adftools)",
    "flags": 260,
    "lastUpdated": "2023-05-16T22:39:13.940Z",
    "publishedDate": "2020-05-11T22:03:16.563Z",
    "releaseDate": "2020-05-27T01:18:46.197Z",
    "shortDescription": "Tools for deploying entire ADF code (JSON files) to ADF instance",
    "versions": [
            "version": "1.29.1369",
            "flags": 1,
            "lastUpdated": "2023-05-16T22:39:13.940Z",
            "files": [


                    "assetType": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage",
                    "source": ""

或者尝试查看 Azure Pipelines Agent 的 _tasks 文件夹(如果仍缓存旧版本):

enter image description here

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