azure - 如何使用 azure 广告应用程序访问 token 访问 azure 调度程序

标签 azure


设置 azure 广告应用程序。

但它似乎不适用于 azure 调度程序。 var cred = new TokenCloudCredentials(_options.SubscriptionId, _options.Token);

using (var schedulerServiceClient = new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Scheduler.CloudServiceManagementClient(cred))
    var services = await schedulerServiceClient.CloudServices.ListAsync(token);

错误和输出如下所示。我的问题是, azure 广告应用程序不适用于所有 azure 服务吗?

我尝试了一些方法,例如代表我自己使用 azure token 而不是 azure 应用程序,然后它工作得很好。

Test Name:  TestMethod1
Test Outcome:   Failed
Result Message: 
Test method Ascend.Scheduler.Tests.UnitTest1.TestMethod1 threw exception: 
Hyak.Common.CloudException: ForbiddenError: The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
Result StandardOutput:  
Debug Trace:
te.processhost.managed.exe Information: 0 : 12/6/2015 9:36:25 PM:  - AuthenticationContext: ADAL .NET with assembly version '', file version '2.19.20802.0213' and informational version 'f719a3fb5ab2559980bb7e75ee78bc15068282fa' is running...
te.processhost.managed.exe Information: 0 : 12/6/2015 9:36:25 PM: e9d31ff5-f1ed-4bf6-b1d7-a180841409d6 - AcquireTokenHandlerBase: === Token Acquisition started:
    ClientId: 5519b0a9-aeef-4ff8-b41b-2598a6888687
    CacheType: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.TokenCache (0 items)
    Authentication Target: Client

te.processhost.managed.exe Information: 0 : 12/6/2015 9:36:25 PM: e9d31ff5-f1ed-4bf6-b1d7-a180841409d6 - TokenCache: Looking up cache for a token...
te.processhost.managed.exe Information: 0 : 12/6/2015 9:36:25 PM: e9d31ff5-f1ed-4bf6-b1d7-a180841409d6 - TokenCache: No matching token was found in the cache
te.processhost.managed.exe Information: 0 : 12/6/2015 9:36:26 PM: e9d31ff5-f1ed-4bf6-b1d7-a180841409d6 - TokenCache: Storing token in the cache...
te.processhost.managed.exe Information: 0 : 12/6/2015 9:36:26 PM: e9d31ff5-f1ed-4bf6-b1d7-a180841409d6 - TokenCache: An item was stored in the cache
te.processhost.managed.exe Information: 0 : 12/6/2015 9:36:26 PM: e9d31ff5-f1ed-4bf6-b1d7-a180841409d6 - AcquireTokenHandlerBase: === Token Acquisition finished successfully. An access token was retuned:
    Access Token Hash: JMsx9YOCod0W2iHyyRwr6n3FBo8qp/X/iGNGmZxlvbw=
    Refresh Token Hash: [No Refresh Token]
    Expiration Time: 12/6/2015 10:36:25 PM +00:00
    User Hash: null


Azure Scheduler 支持服务管理和资源管理终结点。服务管理端点 ( ) 使用证书,资源管理 ( ) 端点使用 OAuth。 您可以使用 Azure 资源管理器调度程序 SDK ( ),该 SDK 使用 OAuth 进行身份验证来管理您的调度程序作业。

问候, 林嘉颖

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