Azure 移动服务软删除问题/实践

标签 azure synchronization azure-mobile-services

打开软删除后,我在客户端上添加一条记录,推送,删除添加的记录推送,然后尝试使用与初始记录相同的主键添加新记录(然后推送),我得到一个异常(exception)。 EntityDomainManager 似乎只是尝试执行新插入,而不检查记录是否要“更新”而不是插入。



什么时候推荐采用这种方法?自定义 EntityDomainManager(或其他 DomainManager)?如果是这样,这对于更清楚地了解表 Controller 和域管理器之间的交互将很有用。


public class CustomEntityDomainManager<TData> : EntityDomainManager<TData> where TData : class, ITableData

    public CustomEntityDomainManager(DbContext context, HttpRequestMessage request, ApiServices services)
        : base(context, request, services)

    public CustomEntityDomainManager(DbContext context, HttpRequestMessage request, ApiServices services, bool enableSoftDelete) : base(context, request, services, enableSoftDelete)

    public async override Task<TData> InsertAsync(TData data)
        if (data == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

        // now then, if we have soft delete enabled & data has been provided with an id in it 
        if (EnableSoftDelete && data.Id != null)
            // now look to see if the record exists and if it is deleted
    // if so we look to remove the record before then attempting the insert

            // record old value of deleted, since need to query to see if deleted.
            var oldIncludeDeleted = IncludeDeleted;

                IncludeDeleted = true;
                var existingData = await this.Lookup(data.Id).Queryable.FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                // if record exists, and its soft deleted then truly delete it
                if (existingData != null && existingData.Deleted)
                    // now need to remove this record...
                IncludeDeleted = oldIncludeDeleted;        

        if (data.Id == null)
            data.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

        return await base.InsertAsync(data);


此行为是设计使然 - 我们要求您在执行更新之前执行显式取消删除。

您提供的解决方案很好。您还可以将代码移至表 Controller ,假设您只需要在一个表中执行此行为。如果您需要在多个表中使用它,那么自定义域管理器是最好的方法。

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