azure - 有没有比条件语句更好的替代方法来停止逻辑应用程序?

标签 azure conditional-statements azure-logic-apps

我当前有一个逻辑应用程序,自该逻辑应用程序以来,该逻辑应用程序具有空的错误路径。我使用条件的唯一原因是当条件为假时 LogicApp 应该停止。当达到特定条件/语句时是否有更好的替代方法来停止逻辑应用?


您可以使用Terminate action :

This action stops the run for a workflow instance, cancels any actions in progress, skips any remaining actions, and returns the specified status. For example, you can use the Terminate action when your logic app must exit completely from an error state. This action doesn't affect already completed actions and can't appear inside Foreach and Until loops, including sequential loops.


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