Azure 流分析 CreateOrReplace 转换冲突或错误请求

标签 azure azure-cosmosdb azure-eventhub azure-stream-analytics

我们目前正在通过 Azure 流分析将数据从 Azure 事件中心流式传输到 Cosmos DB。我希望能够以编程方式更改在数据流式传输时完成的查询(/转换)。

var existingQuery = AnalyticsClient.Transformations.Get(handler.ResourceGroup, handler.JobName, handler.JobName);

if (job.JobState == "Started")
            AnalyticsClient.StreamingJobs.BeginStopAsync(handler.ResourceGroup, handler.JobName).Wait();
        var transformation = new Transformation()
            Query = $@"SELECT 
                        [key] as partition_key
                    FROM Input",
            StreamingUnits = 1
AnalyticsClient.Transformations.CreateOrReplace(transformation, handler.ResourceGroup, handler.JobName, handler.JobName);

Stream Analytics Job Properties - 转换显示为空。


    "code": "NotFound",
    "message": "StreamAnalytics_Prototype_2 does not exist in Stream Analytics job 'StreamAnalytics_Prototype_2' in resource group 'removed' in subscription 'removed'.",
    "details": {
        "code": "404",
        "message": "StreamAnalytics_Prototype_2 does not exist in Stream Analytics job 'StreamAnalytics_Prototype_2' in resource group 'removed' in subscription 'removed'.",
        "correlationId": "removed",
        "requestId": "removed"


    "code": "BadRequest",
    "message": "The number of transformations defined for this job exceeds the maximum limit of 1 that is supported.",
    "details": {
        "code": "400",
        "message": "The number of transformations defined for this job exceeds the maximum limit of 1 that is supported."


如果从 Azure 门户创建转换,则转换的默认名称为“Transformation”。如果您从 SDK 创建转换,则需要在代码中指定名称。

streamAnalyticsManagementClient.Transformations.CreateOrReplace(transformation, resourceGroupName, streamingJobName, transformationName);

顺便说一句,在从 Azure 门户添加查询后,我从事件日志中找到了默认转换名称。

enter image description here

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