azure - 通过 HTTP 使用 ServiceBusTrigger 调用 Azure 函数会抛出 InvalidOperationException

标签 azure azure-functions azureservicebus

在我们的部署环境中,我们将有一个通过 ServiceBus 触发的 Azure Function,这非常棒。但对于本地测试,我希望能够利用 following article 中的以下建议:

For all kinds of functions other than HTTP triggers and webhooks, you can test your functions locally by calling an administration endpoint. Calling this endpoint with an HTTP POST request on the local server triggers the function. You can optionally pass test data to the execution in the body of the POST request. This functionality is similar to the Test tab in the Azure portal.

但是,当我向 localhost:7071/admin/functions/NameOfMyFunction 发送请求时,Azure 代码中会引发以下异常:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'No authentication handler is configured to authenticate for the scheme: ArmToken'

对于带有 ServiceBusTrigger 的函数,是否需要在此测试 HTTP 帖子上放置一些身份验证 header ?


For functions with ServiceBusTrigger on them, is there some Authentication header that I need to put on this test HTTP post?

很奇怪你收到这个错误。根据我的测试,不需要为其添加身份验证 header 。我用VS 2017测试了一下,在我这边工作正常。



enter image description here


post localhost:7071/admin/functions/{functionName}


{"input":"Service Bus Message"}

enter image description here

控制台输出: enter image description here

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