azure - 如何使用azure功能启动停止azure应用程序服务计划

标签 azure azure-functions azure-app-service-plans

我在 Microsoft 官方文档 Decide when to use Azure Functions 中发现了以下声明:

Micro-billing: Traditional computing bills for a block of time like paying a monthly or annual rate for website hosting. This method of billing is convenient but isn't always cost effective. Even if a customer's website gets only one hit a day, they still pay for a full day's worth of availability. With serverless computing, they pay only for the time their code runs. If no active function executions occur, they're not charged. For example, if the code runs once a day for two minutes, they're charged for one execution and two minutes of computing time.

对我来说,听起来应该可以根据发送到服务器以配置网页的请求来启动和停止 Azure 应用服务计划。 我的问题是:是否可以做到这一点?如果可以,如何做到。

我正在考虑的 Azure 功能应该触发启动我的应用服务计划,以便网站可以按需运行。




如果您想避免支付应用服务计划费用,您可以考虑其他托管模型,包括静态 Web 应用或在 Azure Functions 中托管。

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