azure - 应用洞察 : how can i get first 'details' column in the 'problemId' group

标签 azure azure-application-insights azure-log-analytics azure-data-explorer

我在 App Insights 中按 ProblemId 查询了异常的计数:

// exception count by problem ID
let start=datetime("2018-01-09T14:17:00.000Z");
let end=datetime("2018-01-10T14:17:00.000Z");
let timeGrain=5m;
let dataset=exceptions
// additional filters can be applied here
| where timestamp >= ago(24h)
| where client_Type == "PC" ;
| project problemId, cloud_RoleName, itemCount, details 
| summarize count_=sum(itemCount) by problemId, cloud_RoleName, stacktrace_ = (tostring(details))
// calculate exception count for all exceptions
| union(dataset
| summarize count_=sum(itemCount)
| extend problemId="Overall")
| order by count_ desc



我认为没有用于汇总的 first() 运算符,但如果您只想为每个组提供一个(随机)值,则可以使用 any() 运算符。


 | summarize count_=sum(itemCount), any(details) by problemId, ...



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