azure - Microsoft Azure 中可用性集的可用区和故障域功能之间有什么区别?

标签 azure azure-availability-set azure-availability-zones

Microsoft Azure 中可用性集可用区故障域功能有何区别?

我正在使用模块 Discuss core Azure architectural components 。在那里我遇到了故障域的描述:

Fault domains. Fault domains provide for the physical separation of your workload across different hardware in the datacenter. This includes power, cooling, and network hardware that supports the physical servers located in server racks. In the event the hardware that supports a server rack becomes unavailable, only that rack of servers would be affected by the outage.


Each availability zone is an isolation boundary containing one or more datacenters equipped with independent power, cooling, and networking.

If one availability zone goes down, the other continues working.

The availability zones are typically connected to each other through very fast, private fiber-optic networks.

Availability zones allow customers to run mission-critical applications with high availability and low-latency replication.

Availability zones are offered as a service within Azure, and to ensure resiliency, there’s a minimum of three separate zones in all enabled regions.


我可以考虑一下这个问题吗?首先我们有一个区域,它是一个包含一些(至少三个)可用区(AZ)的设施,然后每个AZ包含一个或多个数据中心,然后每个数据中心包含一些可用性集,这里我们有每个可用性Set 包含一些机架,每个机架代表一个单独的故障域。



Regions and Availability Zones in Azure

“Azure 区域中的可用区是容错域和更新域的组合。例如,如果您在 Azure 区域中跨三个区域创建三个或更多 VM,则您的 VM 将有效分布在三个容错域中和三个更新域。Azure 平台可识别更新域之间的这种分布,以确保不同区域中的 VM 不会计划同时更新。”

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