c# - 使用 lambda 构建器模式

标签 c# lambda telerik builder

Telerik 网格使用 lambda 语法来增强绑定(bind)到列时的构建器模式。

.Columns(cols =>
        cols.Bound(e => e.Tag);
        cols.Bound(e => e.Name);

我想在我的代码中创建类似的函数。我已经掌握了 Bound() 函数的语法。但是 Columns() 函数的语法是什么样的?


class SubList
    private List<string> _items;

    public AddItem(string item)

class MyCollections
    private Dictionary<string, SubList> _subs = new Dictionary<string,SublList>();

    public SubList AddList(string name)
        var newSub = new SubList();
        _subs[name] = newSub;
        return newSub;

class Other
    public void DoStuff()
        var collections = new MyCollections();

        //if add item throws error, I don't know which one it is as.
        //it is also hard to put a break point in here.

        //I would like to have something like this:
        collections.AddList("two") { s =>
            s.AddItem("un"); //yay! can put breakpoint here

        //or perhaps
        collections.AddList("two").Sub( s => {
            s.AddItem("un"); //yay! can put breakpoint here



// Assuming some grid type TDataGrid and some column building type TColumnBuilder
public TDataGrid Columns(Action<TColumnBuilder> applyColumns)
    // Ask the user what they'd like to do with our columns
    TColumnBuilder placeholder = new TColumnBuilder();

    // do something with what we've learned
    // this.columns = placeholder.CreateColumns();

关于c# - 使用 lambda 构建器模式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11419612/


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