string - BSTR 和字符串

标签 string visual-c++ com bstr

BSTR DoSOmething()
   return L"";

或者是否可以将 TCHAR * 传递给以 BSTR 作为输入参数的 API。



不,这是不行的,因为某些 API 期望的不仅仅是一个 WCHAR* 指针(BSTR 也是如此),而是一个真正的 BSTR带有附加长度信息的指针。仍然以这种方式进行转换通常可能效果很好,但这可能会产生误导。

有关 BSTR 的所有信息:Eric's Complete Guide To BSTR Semantics .


2) A BSTR must be allocated and freed with the SysAlloc* family of functions. A PWSZ can be an automatic-storage buffer from the stack or allocated with malloc, new, LocalAlloc or any other memory allocator.

3) A BSTR is of fixed length. A PWSZ may be of any length, limited only by the amount of valid memory in its buffer.

4) A BSTR always points to the first valid character in the buffer. A PWSZ may be a pointer to the middle or end of a string buffer.

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