c++ - Placement-new 与 gcc 4.4.3 严格别名规则

标签 c++ gcc placement-new pointer-aliasing type-punning

我有一些代码,多年来我一直在成功使用这些代码来实现“变体类型对象”;也就是说,一个 C++ 对象可以保存各种类型的值,但只使用(大约)尽可能多的内存作为最大的可能类型。该代码在本质上类似于标记 union ,只是它也支持非 POD 数据类型。它通过使用 char 缓冲区、放置新/删除和 reinterpret_cast<> 来实现这一魔力。

我最近尝试在 gcc 4.4.3(使用 -O3 和 -Wall)下编译这段代码,并收到很多这样的警告:

warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules

根据我的阅读,这表明 gcc 的新优化器可能会生成“错误”代码,我显然希望避免这种情况。

我在下面粘贴了我的代码的“玩具版”;我可以对我的代码做些什么来使其在 gcc 4.4.3 下更安全,同时仍然支持非 POD 数据类型吗?我知道作为最后的手段,我总是可以使用 -fno-strict-aliasing 来编译代码,但是如果代码在优化下不会中断就更好了,所以我宁愿不这样做。

(请注意,我想避免在代码库中引入 boost 或 C++0X 依赖项,因此虽然 boost/C++0X 解决方案很有趣,但我更喜欢一些更老式的东西)

#include <new>

class Duck
   Duck() : _speed(0.0f), _quacking(false) {/* empty */}
   virtual ~Duck() {/* empty */}  // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type

   float _speed;
   bool _quacking;

class Soup
   Soup() : _size(0), _temperature(0.0f) {/* empty */}
   virtual ~Soup() {/* empty */}  // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type

   int _size;
   float _temperature;

enum {
   TYPE_UNSET = 0,

/** Tagged-union style variant class, can hold either one Duck or one Soup, but not both at once. */
class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET) {/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck) {ChangeType(TYPE_DUCK); reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data)[0] = duck;}
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup) {ChangeType(TYPE_SOUP); reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data)[0] = soup;}

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK: (reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data))->~Duck(); break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data))->~Soup(); break;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: (void) new (_data) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (void) new (_data) Soup();  break;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   DuckOrSoup dos;
   return 0;


OK,愿意多存一个void *就可以了。我对您的样本进行了一些重新格式化,这样我就可以更轻松地使用它。看看这个,看看它是否符合您的需求。另外请注意,我提供了一些示例,因此您可以向其中添加一些有助于提高可用性的模板。它们可以扩展得更多,但这应该会给您一个好主意。



我的 g++ 版本信息:

g++ --version g++ (SUSE Linux) 4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 160292]

#include <new>
#include <iostream>

class Duck
   Duck(float s = 0.0f, bool q = false) : _speed(s), _quacking(q)
    std::cout << "Duck::Duck()" << std::endl;
   virtual ~Duck() // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type
     std::cout << "Duck::~Duck()" << std::endl;

   float _speed;
   bool _quacking;

class Soup
   Soup(int s = 0, float t = 0.0f) : _size(s), _temperature(t)
    std::cout << "Soup::Soup()" << std::endl;
   virtual ~Soup() // virtual only to demonstrate that this may not be a POD type
     std::cout << "Soup::~Soup()" << std::endl;

   int _size;
   float _temperature;

enum TypeEnum {
   TYPE_UNSET = 0,
template < class T > TypeEnum type_enum_for();
template < > TypeEnum type_enum_for< Duck >() { return TYPE_DUCK; }
template < > TypeEnum type_enum_for< Soup >() { return TYPE_SOUP; }

/** Tagged-union style variant class, can hold either one Duck or one Soup, but not both at once. */
class DuckOrSoup
   DuckOrSoup() : _type(TYPE_UNSET), _data_ptr(_data) {/* empty*/}
   ~DuckOrSoup() {Unset();}

   void Unset() {ChangeType(TYPE_UNSET);}
   void SetValueDuck(const Duck & duck)
     reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data_ptr)[0] = duck;
   void SetValueSoup(const Soup & soup)
     reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data_ptr)[0] = soup;

   template < class T >
   void set(T const & t)
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     reinterpret_cast< T * >(_data_ptr)[0] = t;

   template < class T >
   T & get()
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     return reinterpret_cast< T * >(_data_ptr)[0];

   template < class T >
   T const & get_const()
     ChangeType(type_enum_for< T >());
     return reinterpret_cast< T const * >(_data_ptr)[0];

   void ChangeType(int newType);

   template <int S1, int S2> struct _maxx {enum {sz = (S1>S2)?S1:S2};};
   #define compile_time_max(a,b) (_maxx< (a), (b) >::sz)
   enum {STORAGE_SIZE = compile_time_max(sizeof(Duck), sizeof(Soup))};

   char _data[STORAGE_SIZE];
   int _type;   // a TYPE_* indicating what type of data we currently hold
   void * _data_ptr;

void DuckOrSoup :: ChangeType(int newType)
   if (newType != _type)
         case TYPE_DUCK: (reinterpret_cast<Duck*>(_data_ptr))->~Duck(); break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (reinterpret_cast<Soup*>(_data_ptr))->~Soup(); break;
      _type = newType;
         case TYPE_DUCK: (void) new (_data) Duck();  break;
         case TYPE_SOUP: (void) new (_data) Soup();  break;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   Duck sample_duck; sample_duck._speed = 23.23;
   Soup sample_soup; sample_soup._temperature = 98.6;
   std::cout << "Just saw sample constructors" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Do it again with the templates" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "duck speed: " << dos.get_const<Duck>()._speed << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "soup temp: " << dos.get_const<Soup>()._temperature << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Do it again with only template get" << std::endl;
     DuckOrSoup dos;
     std::cout << "Setting to Duck" << std::endl;
     dos.get<Duck>() = Duck(42.42);
     std::cout << "duck speed: " << dos.get_const<Duck>()._speed << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Setting to Soup" << std::endl;
     dos.get<Soup>() = Soup(0, 32);
     std::cout << "soup temp: " << dos.get_const<Soup>()._temperature << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Should see DuckOrSoup destruct which will dtor a Soup"
       << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Get ready to see sample destructors" << std::endl;
   return 0;

关于c++ - Placement-new 与 gcc 4.4.3 严格别名规则,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4261916/


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