c# - 简单的二进制到十进制转换器 - C# 中的问题

标签 c# loops while-loop int

我制作了一个简单的二进制到十进制转换器,过去工作正常,我使用字符串变量来声明值,但现在意识到我需要将它们存储为整数,因为我想添加到 while 循环结构中验证用户的选择,以便他们只能输入 0 或 1。



        int iBinaryNum; //To store binary number
        int iDecimalNum; //To store decimal numbers

        //Validation of user choice & main program
        while (iBinaryNum == 0 || iBinaryNum == 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the binary number you want to convert to decimal");
            iBinaryNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("The Binary number you have entered is " + iBinaryNum);
            iDecimalNum = Convert.ToInt32(iBinaryNum, 2);

            Console.WriteLine("This converted into decimal is " + iDecimalNum);

        //If it's not equal to 0 or 1
        Console.WriteLine("Invalid binary number, Please re-enter");

        //Prevent program from closing
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close");


iDecimalNum = Convert.ToInt32(iBinaryNum, 2);

您传递的参数是int, int。如你所见here ,您可以在 Object, IFormatProviderString, IFormatProviderString, Int32 之间进行选择。

由于第一个 int 只能用作 Object,这意味着第二个参数必须是 IFormatProvider


关于c# - 简单的二进制到十进制转换器 - C# 中的问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20033798/


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