batch-file - 合并不带标题的 CSV 文件

标签 batch-file csv merge cmd

我进行了广泛的搜索,并找到了我认为可以解决我的问题的方法,即合并 CSV 文件,而无需每次都重复标题。看起来它可以工作,只是它只是将文件夹中的第一个文件复制到目标文件中。我认为它无法打开文件,因为它们的名称中有空格。有人建议我可能只需要在某个地方加上引号,但我不确定它们会放在哪里。提前致谢。

SET first=y
SET newfile=new.csv
for %%F in (*.csv) do IF NOT %%F==%newfile% (
  if defined first (
    COPY /y "%%F" %newfile% >nul
    set "first="
  ) else (
    FOR /f "skip=1delims=" %%i IN (%%F) DO >> %newfile% ECHO %%i


@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    rem configure paths
    set "source=*.csv"
    set "target=newfile.csv"

    rem remove output file if needed
    if exist "%target%" del "%target%" >nul 2>nul

    rem search for header row
    set "headerRow="
    for %%f in ("%source%") do (
        <"%%~ff" ( for /l %%a in (1 1 10) do if not defined headerRow set /p "headerRow=" )
        if defined headerRow goto haveHeader
    if not defined headerRow (
        echo ERROR: impossible to get header row. 
        goto endProcess

    rem output header to header file to use as filter.
    rem header is cut to avoid findstr limitations on search strings
    set "headerFile=%temp%\%~nx0_headerFile.tmp"
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    > "%headerFile%" echo(!headerRow:~0,125!

    rem search for input files with matching headers to join to final file
    for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('findstr /m /b /l /g:"%headerFile%" "%source%"') do (
        if not exist "%target%" (

                rem first file is directly copied
                copy "%%~f" "%target%" /y > nul 2>nul

            ) else (

                rem next files are filtered to exclude the header row
                findstr /v /b /l /g:"%headerFile%" "%%~f" >> "%target%"
        echo ... [%%~ff] joined to %target%

    rem remove the temporary header file
    del "%headerFile%" >nul 2>nul


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