Django 休息 : How to disable the POST api with {pk}

标签 django django-rest-framework swagger-ui

如何使用 Serializer 从 api 中删除 [POST]/api/contact/{pk}/? (去掉第二个API) 我的序列化器定义如下:

class ContactSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    class Meta:
        model = Contact
        fields = ('chatuser', 'contact', 'is_blocked')


class ContactViewSet(mixins.CreateModelMixin, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet):
    queryset = Contact.objects.all()
    serializer_class = ContactSerializer

Django REST Swagger UI


您也许可以使用 ReadOnlyModelViewset?来自文档:

The ReadOnlyModelViewSet class also inherits from GenericAPIView. As with ModelViewSet it also includes implementations for various actions, but unlike ModelViewSet only provides the 'read-only' actions, .list() and .retrieve().

这有点奇怪,因为 GenericViewSet 不应该为您提供任何开箱即用的操作,您应该只使用 ModelViewSet 获取 POST。

The GenericViewSet class inherits from GenericAPIView, and provides the default set of get_object, get_queryset methods and other generic view base behavior, but does not include any actions by default.

这可能意味着这些 mixin 之一正在为您提供额外的操作,请参阅:

In order to use a GenericViewSet class you'll override the class and either mixin the required mixin classes, or define the action implementations explicitly.

如果您可以检查这些 mixins 的定义或将它们发布到此处,或者尝试使用 ReadOnlyModelViewSet 而不使用任何 mixins,看看您的进展如何。

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