php - 简单的 HTML Dom - 查找 div 之间的文本

标签 php simple-html-dom

我需要在此处提取 div 之间的文本(“四个中的第三个...”) - 使用 Simple HTML Dom PHP 库。

我已经尝试了我所想到的一切! next_sibling()返回评论,并且 next_sibling()->next_sibling()返回 <br/>标签。理想情况下,我想获取从第一条评论末尾到下一条 </div> 的所有文本。标签。

<div class="left">
<div class="float">Bla-bla...
</div><!--/end of div.float-->
    <br />The third of four performances in the Society's Morning Melodies series features...<a href='index.php?page=tickets&month=20140201'>&lt;&lt; Back to full event listing</a>
</div><!--/end of div.left-->

下面打印 <!--/end of div.float--> - 评论标签。

//find content that follows div with a class float. There is a comment in between.
$div_float = $html->find("div.float");
$betweendivs =  $div_float[0]->next_sibling();
$actual_content = $betweendivs ->outertext ;
echo $actual_content;

我的下一步是获取innertext div.left 的,然后删除其中的所有 div,但这似乎是一个很大的麻烦。有什么更简单的事情可以做吗?


使用 find('text', $index) 获取所有文本 block ,其中 $index 是所需文本的索引...


echo $html->find('text', 3);

The third of four performances in the Society's Morning Melodies series features...

您可以在 Manual 中阅读更多内容



$input = '<div class="left">
<div class="float">Bla-bla...
</div><!--/end of div.float-->
    <br />The third of four performances in the Society\'s Morning Melodies series features...<a href="index.php?page=tickets&month=20140201">&lt;&lt; Back to full event listing</a>
</div><!--/end of div.left-->';

//Create a DOM object
$html = new simple_html_dom();
// Load HTML from a string

// Using $index
echo $html->find('text', 3);

echo "<hr>";

// Or, it's the 3rd element starting from the end
$text = $html->find('text');
echo $text[count($text)-3];

// Clear DOM object

The third of four performances in the Society's Morning Melodies series features...
The third of four performances in the Society's Morning Melodies series features...

Working DEMO

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